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Register now for the 2024 EU4Health Stakeholders’ Conference

Registration is now open for the European Commission’s EU4Health Stakeholders' Conference on 19 June 2024. The aim of this event is to take stock of how the financial programme is supporting a stronger, healthier, and more resilient Health Union. Bringing together physical and online participants from across the health community in the Charlemagne Building in Brussels, this will be an opportunity to reflect on the latest priorities, strategic orientations, and future work programmes. 

The conference will be divided into four main sessions, notably:

  1. Health promotion, disease prevention and health systems
  2. Digitalisation
  3. Support to Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
  4. Crisis Preparedness

At the mid-point of the financial period, this will also be the occasion to hear the first analysis of the EU4Health targeted consultation, as well as updates on the implementation of the current work programme and lessons learned.

The link for registration and more information is available here: EU4Health Stakeholders’ Conference - European Commission

Background information

The EU4Health programme’s EUR 4.7 billion budget (post MFF mid-term revision) for the 2021-27 financing period is the highest amount ever allocated to health policy at EU level. It funds initiatives to enhance healthcare access, support the health workforce, and integrate national health systems, laying the groundwork for resilient, patient-centred systems.


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