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EU Health Policy Platform Holds Annual Meeting

date:  04/05/2022

Today, the winners of the 2021 EU Health Award on cancer prevention and mental health have been announced.  There were 15 winners and 15 shortlisted initiatives who can be found on the EU Health Award website. Prizes for each category ranged from EUR 12,000 to EUR 30,000 for the winners; and shortlisted initiatives each received EUR 1,500. Winners also received a trophy and a certificate. 

Eligible for the 2021 Award were cities, NGOs and educational institutions promoting communication and health literacy on cancer prevention, and local authorities and affiliated organisations as well as NGOs and other not-for-profit organisations working to alleviate the mental health impact of COVID-19.

The Award Ceremony took place as part of the EU Health Policy Platform annual meeting. 

Find out more about the interesting and impactful initiatives from across Europe that won or were shortlisted for the Award by watching the recording of the Award Ceremony and visiting the EU Health Award website. There, you will also find a booklet of all the winning and shortlisted initiatives, which provides more information about the inspiring work being done by them to raise awareness and boost health in their communities.

And don’t miss the second day of the EU Health Policy Platform – the Stakeholders’ Dialogue.  Follow the live streaming and participate by interacting through, using the code EUHPP.


Since 2015, the EU Health Award has been honouring organisations from all over Europe for their successful initiatives in public health. Initially targeting NGOs, the Award soon extended to include cities, local authorities or affiliated organisations, educational institutions or other not-for-profit organisations.

The Award is part of the EU Health Policy Platform activities and the Ceremony is an integral part of the Platform’s annual general meeting.  Throughout the years, it has covered a variety of priority health topics from Ebola, antimicrobial resistance and vaccination, to tobacco prevention and the promotion of vaccination and healthy lifestyles, among others.

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