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Pharmaceutical Strategy : DG SANTE calls on stakeholders’ registration for workshop on 14/15 July 2020

date:  18/06/2020

Following the Online Public Consultation and roadmap on the Pharmaceutical Strategy launched on 16 June, DG SANTE will organise, on 14 and 15 July, an online workshop with stakeholders on the Strategy. Interested parties – which may include but are not limited to  - representatives of industry, patients, public health organisations, healthcare professionals and providers, research community etc. are invited to register until 3 July. The objective of this workshop is to gather stakeholders’ views based on questions in specific areas of the Strategy. National authorities will be invited to attend the workshop. The Commission will present its Strategy in a Communication to be adopted by the end 2020. Please note that due to the format of the meeting, available invitations are limited and a balanced selection of represented interests may have to be made.