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Commissioner Andriukaitis at the Meeting of the Joint Action on Tobacco Control (Brussels, 6-7 February 2019)

date:  07/02/2019

Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, participated at the opening session of the Interim Meeting of the Joint Action on Tobacco Control (JATC) that took place on 6-7 February in Brussels with the presence of the Ingredients Subgroup of the Expert Group in Tobacco Control.

The meeting was organised with the following objectives:

  • To provide an update on the tasks performed, the milestones and key deliverables in the presence of regulators from the Member States;
  • To update on the upcoming work and to plan the actions of the next 12 months;
  • To facilitate interaction between JATC partners and the members of the Expert Subgroup on Ingredients.


The Joint Action on Tobacco Control is a 3-year action (2017 – 2020), with a budget of EUR 2.5 million under the EU Health Programme 2014-2020. The Joint Action aims to support Member States in the implementation of the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). This is the first Joint Action in the field of tobacco control involving 24 Member States and further partners outside the EU. The Joint Action consists of nine work packages, with five vertical work packages directly supporting the technical implementation of the TPD in the assessment of tobacco products, e-cigarettes and priority additives as well as laboratory collaboration.

The European Commission is closely following the progress of the JATC that plays a crucial role in the actual application of the TPD, both at the EU and national level.

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