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The Health Equity Pilot Project Holds Final Conference

date:  04/12/2018

Today in Brussels the Health Equity Pilot Project (HEPP) is holding its final conference "Evidence into Practice - Action on Health Inequalities" with more than 170 participants, including policy makers and public administrators, NGOs and international organisations, regional and municipal health departments and other organisations taking part. They are discussing a wide range of topics such as addressing and reducing behaviour-related health inequalities and strategies for getting evidence into policy and action.  Addressing health inequalities also holds a prominent position in the report by the European Commission and the OECD "Health at a Glance: Europe 2018" published on 22 November 2018. According to the evidence of the report, low income households are five times more likely to report unmet health care needs than high-income households, mainly for financial reasons.


HEPP is a three-year project that aims to focus on health inequalities by identifying them in nutrition and physical activity and alcohol consumption, as well as the evidence of effective interventions. The project is coming to an end with the final conference on 6 December.

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