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Memorandum on weight of evidence and uncertainties - Revision 2018

date:  27/06/2018

Today, the European Commission and its Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) published the Memorandum on weight of evidence and uncertainties.

The Memorandum explains how the SCHEER applies the weight of evidence approach (WoE) and how it deals with analysis and description of uncertainties when conducting risk assessments of stressors to which humans and/or the environment might be exposed. It also proposes a system that classifies the results of the analysis of scientific evidence for human and environmental risks.

Scientific evidence consists of observations, experimental and model results and expert judgements that serve to support, refute, or modify a scientific hypothesis or theory. For the SCHEER, the search for relevant information and data comprises of identifying, collecting and selecting possible sources of evidence in order to perform a risk assessment and/or to answer the specific questions asked.

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