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Helping young people say no to tobacco: Commission launches EU Health Award for NGOs

date:  05/04/2018

On 7 April, the European Commission launches the EU Health Award for NGOs 2018. This year, we aim to reward NGOs that contribute to the fight against tobacco, especially by stopping young people from taking up smoking and/or using other forms of tobacco.

Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, announced the Award on the occasion of World Health Day, saying "With 70% of smokers in Europe starting before the age of 18 and 94% starting before the age of 25, it is vital that we focus our tobacco prevention efforts on young Europeans. The Commission has put in place tough legislation to make tobacco products less attractive to young people, including bans on characterising flavours, packaging gimmicks and packs of 10. However, we know from experience that a multi-pronged approach is necessary to reduce tobacco use in the EU. In this respect, the work of NGOs in communicating to citizens about the dangers of tobacco is an invaluable part of our overall effort. It will therefore be my great pleasure to recognise and reward outstanding initiatives by NGOs which help young people refrain from tobacco use."

Interested parties are invited to check the eligibility criteria and present details of their initiative by 15/06/2018 using the online form. Initiatives could, for example, include actions creating counter-advertising campaigns, promoting smoke-free norms, working to reduce the accessibility of tobacco products, working to raise awareness at the community and school level.

The cash prizes, which are funded under the 3rd Health Programme 2014-2020 are as follows:

  • 1st prize: 20 000 €
  • 2nd prize: 15 000 €
  • 3rd prize: 10 000 €

Sometime around September, a jury will decide on the ten shortlisted initiatives, and the three winners will be announced in November 2018 at an award-giving event in Brussels. All the shortlisted NGOs will be invited to attend.

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