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Migration and health: Kick-off meeting for MYHEALTH and Mig-HealthCare projects

date:  02/05/2017

Today in Luxembourg, the European Commission is organising a meeting to launch two three-year projects on migrants' health:

MyHealth aims to improve healthcare access for vulnerable migrants and refugees, in particular women and unaccompanied minors, who have recently arrived in Europe. To this end the project partners, which include universities, research institutes and charities from seven EU countries, will develop and implement models to engage vulnerable migrants and refugees in their health through community empowerment and learning.

Mig-HealthCare brings together 14 partners from universities, national authorities and NGOs in 10 EU countries, to produce a roadmap for effective community-based care models to improve physical and mental health care services, support the inclusion and participation of migrants and refugees in European communities and reduce health inequalities. The project will include testing the feasibility of community-based care models in different settings and countries.

The project coordinators and work package leaders will present the main objectives of their respective projects, an outline of the planned activities and the expected results. The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) will inform about the administrative, financial, and reporting of the project grants, and there will be opportunities for networking, collaboration and sharing knowledge.

In addition to the above two projects, the Commission's Health programme is financing a number of other projects and actions related to refugees' health in 2017. The ORAMMA project, which aims to improve access and delivery of maternal healthcare for refugee and migrant women, has been signed earlier this year. In addition, a direct grant has been awarded to the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the EC/WHO joint project MIHKMA – Migration and Health Knowledge management, and financial assistance has been granted for the training of first-line health professionals working with migrants and refugees.