First edition
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Welcome to the first edition of the EU Cancer Mission Newsletter!

We are thrilled to introduce this first edition of the newsletter. It’s here to keep you informed and engaged with the latest developments, achievements, and opportunities arising from our collective efforts. You will find more comprehensive information on the Cancer Mission implementation website: EU Mission: Cancer - European Commission (

You will find more comprehensive information on the Cancer Mission implementation website: EU Mission: Cancer - European Commission (

There are a few elements of this newsletter I am particularly excited about because they add a new way for our citizens and stakeholders to join us:

Citizen Engagement: a cornerstone of the EU Cancer Mission is the active involvement of citizens in shaping and driving our initiatives. Through various engagement activities, such as the Cancer Mission Bus Roadshow, we encourage patients, survivors, families, and healthcare professionals to share their insights and contribute to the Mission’s activities.

Project News: each newsletter will feature updates from R&I projects and the work done in the Cancer Mission project clusters, providing some interesting developments and insights.

Publications and Reports: we will highlight several publications and reports that provide valuable insights into the progress of the EU Cancer Mission, for example the study on the feasibility of the future European Cancer Patient Digital Centre. We encourage you to explore these resources and share them with your networks to spread awareness and knowledge.

Upcoming Events: the EU Cancer Mission is about bringing people together to share ideas, collaborate, and learn from each other. We are excited to announce a Conference on “Innovative Palliative Care for Cancer Patients” on 8 October 2024. This event will gather experts, practitioners, and advocates to discuss the latest developments in science and best practices in providing effective care for patients. It promises to be an enlightening and inspiring occasion, and we look forward to your participation.

Call to Disseminate: as we launch this newsletter, we extend a heartfelt invitation to all our readers to help us disseminate it widely. By sharing this publication within your networks, you can help more people benefit from the wealth of information and opportunities it will continue to offer.

With each edition of this newsletter, we hope the enthusiasm we place into our work on improving the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 finds its way to you.

Your engagement and support are crucial to the success of the EU Cancer Mission, and we look forward to reaching it together.

Thank you for joining us on this important journey.



Cancer Mission Work Programme 2024: new calls for proposals

Discover the latest funding opportunities under the Horizon Europe Cancer Mission Work Programme 2024 that opened on 18 April. The deadline to apply is 18 September 2024!

Info Days Mission Work Programme 2024: Did you miss the event? Don't worry! You can watch it again here and learn about the topics included in the EU Missions and cross-cutting activities of the mission Work Programme 2024.

New report available: operational concept for the European Cancer Patient Digital Centre (ECPDC)

Being one of the four flagship initiatives of the Cancer Mission, the European Cancer Patient Digital Centre (ECPDC) aims to enhance the quality of life for cancer patients and survivors, addressing the often-overlooked needs during and after treatment.

To prepare its creation, the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité  developed an operational concept for implementing the ECPDC, considering existing infrastructures and further initiatives.

Report focus groups: citizens view on cancer awareness, prevention and screening 

As part of its citizen engagement activities in 2022, a series of focus groups were organised with citizens in six EU Member States: Bulgaria, Czechia, Finland, France, Lithuania, and Malta. These focus groups addressed their perceptions regarding cancer awareness, prevention, early detection, and screening. This report highlighted the critical need to enhance information and communication on cancer prevention and early detection for EU citizens. More effective actions are necessary to overcome barriers and support citizens in preventing cancer.

Upcoming palliative care conference: breaking stigmas and raising awareness

We are pleased to announce a conference on 8 October 2024 dedicated to the importance of palliative care for cancer patients and their families. 

Despite its crucial role in enhancing quality of life, palliative care often faces stigma and misunderstanding. This event aims to bridge these gaps by informing both citizens and policymakers about the necessity of proper palliative care across Europe. Given the varying levels of integration and understanding in different European countries, the goal is to foster a unified approach that ensures palliative care for all cancer patients who need it. Join us in this vital conversation to advocate for better palliative care awareness and implementation.

Enhancing cancer research through EU data sharing initiatives

One of the main advantages the EU could bring to cancer research is promoting data sharing, particularly in the context of rare cancers with the aims of increasing our mechanistic knowledge on how cancer develops and progresses.

In this context, the EU Cancer Mission through its flagship initiative supports the creation of tools to mobilise, manage and extract knowledge from large-scale and increasingly complex data of different sources and domains (clinical data, high-resolution images, multidimensional biological information, environmental data etc.). Preparatory projects for the future platform are 4.UNCAN.euEOSC4cancer and canSERV

Similarly, the European 1+Million Genomes Initiative (1+MG) has developed the 1+MG Minimal Dataset for Cancer (1+MG-MDC), which standardises data collection in cancer research. This dataset includes 140 essential items across eight domains, aiding the aggregation of genomic and clinical data. It facilitates data collection directly from hospital sources, allowing for easier data querying and standardised analytics across different centres. 

Learn more in this publication!

Cancer Mission Project Clusters

The EU Cancer Mission has developed project clusters to build a portfolio of projects that address the Mission objectives: 1. Understanding, 2. Prevention and early detection, 3. Diagnosis and treatment, and 4. Quality of life.

These clusters bring together projects funded under each call topic. The goal is to maximise the investment the EU Cancer Mission makes in research by engaging researchers who lead the projects in building synergies among projects, conducting joint activities, and ensuring researchers benefit from each other’s insights. This activity will ultimately contribute to mobilising the cancer research community at large, ensuring coherent messages are communicated about what research can achieve for them. 

Click here to know more about the clusters!

#EU Cancer Mission: first project cluster policy webinar - Understanding cancer

Join the first #EUHPP webinar on the Cancer Mission cluster “Understanding cancer” on 4 July 2024! 

Listen to stakeholders’ perspectives on research and innovation, providing an early look at the cluster projects launched under the Cancer Mission. Learn how to better utilise project results around understanding cancer.

Read the agenda and register here.


Past events

Mission Cancer ran the Brussels 20Km!

Members of the Cancer Mission team took part in the Brussels 20km on Sunday 26 May. 

Congrats to all the runners and a special thanks to the Breast International Group for the stand!

Cancer Mission at the InfoDays

Colleagues at Brussels 20k

Mission Achievements

The Cancer Mission started a dialogue with young cancer survivors

Starting in January 2023, young cancer survivors from all over Europe gathered through a series of four thematic workshops and a conference "Addressing the needs of young cancer survivors", to better understand the challenges they face during and after cancer treatment. 

The dialogue steers the work of the Cancer Mission, enabling young cancer patients and survivors to co-create initiatives that help address their specific needs, such as mental health, fertility, follow-up care or continuity in education, through research or policy actions.

The dialogue has already delivered several concrete actions, such as incorporating a research topic on late effects of cancer treatments and quality of life in the Cancer Mission 2024 work programme as well as a study on provision of Adolescent and Young Adult care in Europe in the 2024 EU4Health work programme.

Click here to know more about the dialogue with young cancer survivors


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