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Research and Innovation

13 June 2024

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News of the day

European Commission unveils European Digital Twin of the Ocean prototype

Today at the Digital Ocean Forum (DOF) 2024, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Iliana Ivanova and other high-level representatives from Belgium, France and the European Commission unveiled the first pre-operational platform of the European Digital Twin Ocean (EU DTO).

Commissioner Ivanova said: 

I am thrilled to announce that as from today, the European Digital Twin of the Ocean is accessible to everyone for testing, for using or for contributions. Thanks to the investment from the EU research and innovation programme Horizon Europe, it will help us understand how pollution and human activities affect the ocean and its critical role in regulating the climate and preserving biodiversity. It is still a prototype, but once it’s fully up and running, the platform will become a game-changer in ocean management, providing essential information and precise, real-time predictions”.

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See also European Digital Twin of the Ocean

Commission announces first steps towards a network of VC investors in deep-tech innovation

The European Commission has taken the first concrete steps towards establishing a new network of European venture capital investors ready to co-invest in Europe’s most innovative deep-tech companies, together with the European Innovation Council Fund. On 12 June, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Iliana Ivanova brought together a group of forward-thinking investors to discuss this new form of collaboration.

Commissioner Ivanova said: 

"By joining forces towards a shared vision for Europe’s competitiveness, we can unlock the full potential of venture capital investments in disruptive deep-tech European technologies. I look forward to continuing this journey of open communication and collaboration with like-minded partners to facilitate investment in disruptive research and breakthrough EIC innovations, providing a fertile ground for our innovative companies to grow in Europe".

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See also EIC Fund

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ISSN: 2600-013X