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Research and Innovation

05 June 2024

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Resisting authoritarian populism: Commission’s Ethics Group issues new Statement on defending democracy and its values

Commission Vice-President Dubravka Šuica has received, today, a Statement on “Defending democracy in Europe: Addressing the threat of authoritarian populism and reinforcing democratic practice” from the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE), an independent advisory body to the Commission.

Vice-President Šuica said:

“Recent events, across Europe and around the world, show that we resolutely need to protect our democracies and the values and fundamental rights that underpin them. I was not born in a democracy, so I have a profound understanding of the importance of nurturing these values. The EGE recommends deep transformations of the societal institutions that shape how we relate to each other and how we identify as Europeans. This calls upon all of us to address the more profound causes of these democratic challenges and to think beyond ‘quick fixes’. As the EGE so succinctly stated: We can all benefit from a rich set of democratic practices.”

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See also European Group on Ethics

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ISSN: 2600-013X