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Research and Innovation

15 April 2024

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Commission receives scientific advice on Artificial Intelligence uptake in research and innovation

Today, the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) released its independent policy recommendations on how to facilitate the uptake of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research and innovation across the EU. The advice is non-binding but may feed into the overall Commission strategy for AI in research and innovation. It is underpinned by an evidence review report published also today.

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age said:

“There is no better way to boost the uptake of AI in scientific research than asking scientists about what they need the most. Not only are these recommendations concrete. Also they look at multiple aspects which AI and science need to serve us best: significant funding, skills, high quality data, computing power, and of course, guardrails to ensure we keep by the values we believe in.”

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth said:

“Artificial Intelligence means a revolution in research and innovation and will drive our future competitiveness. We need to ensure its responsible uptake by our researchers and innovators for the benefit of science but also of the economy and society as a whole. The work of the scientific advisors provides us with a wealth of solid evidence and practical advice to inform our future actions.”

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See also Group of Chief Scientific Advisors

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ISSN: 2600-013X