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Green Deal Projects Support Office

Newsletter Issue 1 - January 2023

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Welcome to our first newsletter!
Our newsletter will be published every quarter, and it is addressed to all the 73 projects funded under the Horizon 2020 Green Deal call, their staff and networks and also all the readers interested in the Green Deal topics.

The newsletter aims to create a community exchanging knowledge and tips, so it will share updates and interesting content from the 73 projects. In this first issue, we introduce you to the European Green Deal which is transforming the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy.

In the coming issues you will learn more about some of the ongoing innovative projects: their ambitions, their initiatives, and their results.

Enjoy the read and if you like the content, share it with your network.

Who we are

The Green Deal Projects Support Office is a European Commission initiative to support the 73 research and innovation projects funded under the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call. We work to help the projects to collaborate, network, share knowledge and increase their impact. Subscribe to this newsletter to join this community.


In this issue

An overview of the programme in three minutes
Visit our new website
Find out about the five Working Groups
Citizen science webinar
EU Mission Climate Adaptation webinar
Science for all – can citizen science enhance your research
Restoration Policy Accelerator webinar
Coming up in the next issue

Learn about the Green Deal Projects Support Office
An overview of the programme in three minutes

These two new videos give a handy overview of the Green Deal and the Green Deal Projects Support Office. Take a look to find out more and share them with your networks.

Green Deal video
Green Deal Projects Support Office video

Visit our new website

Our website provides more information about the Green Deal Projects Support Office, including the latest articles on the innovative projects, and contact details of organisations and projects you can connect with.

Don’t miss the opportunity to speak to the inspiring leaders behind these ground-breaking projects.

Visit the website

Find out about the five Working Groups

The 73 projects are developing solutions that respond to the climate crisis, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide more protection to Europe’s biodiversity and habitats under threat, and accelerate a sustainable socio-economic recovery, leaving no one behind. The Support Office has organised them into five Working Groups:

• Climate change and biodiversity
• Clean energy
• Food and health
• Urban environment and mobility
• Knowledge and citizens

Discover how the projects in each Working Group are contributing towards our objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

Green Deal Project Support Office Working Groups

Catch up on our webinars
The contribution of Green Deal projects to the EU Mission on Climate Adaptation

The Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change is a concrete element of the 2021 EU Climate Adaptation Strategy and will play an important role in increasing the EU’s resilience to climate change.

Watch the webinar to get an introduction to the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, find out how it links the important areas of science, policy and implementation, and get ideas on how four of the Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call projects support the Climate Adaptation Mission

Watch the webinar

Public participation and collaboration through citizen science

In our webinar series, cutting-edge developments and innovations from the Green Deal Call projects are highlighted. In this first webinar, we looked at citizen science, the practice of public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge.

Citizen science shows substantial potential in achieving greater societal impact and increasing public trust in science. It leverages collective societal capabilities, by enlarging the scope of research and innovation, and by increasing relevance, responsiveness, and transparency.

Several projects funded under the Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call work on solutions that will enable citizens to get involved in the Green Deal implementation. In this webinar, we looked at challenges and barriers, as well as lessons learned and good practices in citizen science projects.

Watch the webinar

News and events
Science for all – 16 top tips for engaging the public

Citizen science is a rapidly emerging mode of research and innovation, and one which the projects funded under the Horizon 2020 Green Deal call are increasingly using to engage citizens in adapting to and tackling climate change.

In our latest series of articles, we explain what citizen science entails, its importance in adapting to and tackling climate change through citizen engagement, and its enormous potential to enhance research. We also look at the challenges to implementation and give you 16 top tips for engaging the public and look at examples of how the power of storytelling and framing has been successfully used in a couple of projects.

The Role of Citizen Science in the European Green Deal
Engaging Citizen Scientists: Challenges and Barriers to Implementation
(including 16 top tips)
Capturing long-term impacts from Citizen Science projects
(includes the power of storytelling)

Webinar: Biodiversity as a key asset for forest restoration in Europe

Targeting researchers, practitioners, NGOs, policymakers and other interested stakeholders, the project IUFRO/SUPERB conducts the Monthly Forest Restoration Talks to investigate forest restoration questions from diverse scientific perspectives, with alternating focus on the global and European levels. This includes exploring practical forest restoration approaches, experiences and challenges worldwide.

The next webinar will take place on 8 February 2023 - ”What do we know about the forest condition in Europe and actual restoration needs?”and will be delivered by SUPERB Work Package leaders.

Register your place here

Coming in the next edition

In the next issue we will look at biodiversity ahead of International Biodiversity Day on 22 May. We will focus on the themes of Climate Change and Biodiversity and give updates on the exciting projects we support that are part of these Working Groups.

The Green Deal Projects Support Office was established to support the projects funded under the Green Deal Call and to help facilitate collaboration, share best practice and increase their impact.

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Catalogue no. KI-BI-22-001-EN-Q  | Images: Fly_and_Dive/ | rawpixel/ |fizkes/ | fizkes/ | Maren Winter/ | © European Union, 2023

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ISSN: 2600-5476