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Research and Innovation

30 June 2020

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News of the day
European Innovation Council Advisory Board presents roadmap for Europe to lead in the technologies and industries of the future
The European Innovation Council (EIC) Advisory Board, an independent group of leading entrepreneurs, researchers, investors and innovation experts, have today published report - A vision and roadmap for impact - to pave the way for the fully-fledged EIC in Horizon Europe (2021 – 2027).

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said:

The European Innovation Council will play a key role in the economic recovery, and this is why the Commission’s recovery package proposed to increase its budget beyond €10 billion as part of Horizon Europe. The advisory board members have set out a practical roadmap to maximise the impact of the European Innovation Council to catapult Europe’s game-changing startups, SMEs and researchers onto a global stage.

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See also Enhanced European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot
EIC Horizon prizes
The Commission’s European Innovation Council awards €5 mil to blockchain solutions for social innovations
The European Innovation Council (EIC) Prize on Blockchains for Social Good has awarded €5 million to six winners selected in a call to identify scalable, deployable and high-impact blockchain solutions for societal challenges. The call attracted 176 applications, with 80% of applications coming from start-ups and SMEs.

Commissioner Gabriel said:

I warmly congratulate all the winners. The proposed solutions show how blockchain can harness decentralisation for positive social change by supporting fair trade and circular economy, increasing transparency in production processes and quality information, improving accountability and contributing to financial inclusion. I hope that this award can help upscale these outstanding ideas and inspire many others innovators.

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See also EIC Horizon prizes
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