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Morning Sessions - DSA Stakeholder Workshops

The DSA workshops event, held on the 27 June 2023, will kick off with an opening plenary, followed by five workshops.

DSA Stakeholder event image and logo

date:  27/06/2023

The DSA workshops event will begin at 8.00am with registration​​ for in person attendees.

The event will be opened at 9.00am by a welcome speech. The opening panel will begin at 9.20am - 10.10am:


Panel: Is social media taking a toll on young peoples well-being and how should platforms tackle the issue?


The panel on social media and young people's mental health will focus on one of the systemic risks that the very large online platforms have to identify, analyse, assess and alleviate under the Digital Services Act. The discussion will focus on evidence in the field, the responsibilities of the online platforms and actions that the platforms can take to mitigate potential risks to mental well-being.

Recorded session


Moderator: Lauren Mason, Policy and Advocacy Manager European Youth Forum

  • Gregoire Borst, Professor University of Paris
  • Marko Puschner, Safer Internet Centre Slovenia
  • Patti Valkenburg, Professor University of Amsterdam
  • Renate Nikolay, Deputy Director General, DG CONNECT, European Commission


The morning workshops consist of five workshops, each beginning at 10.40 - 11.50.


Title: Is the EU doing enough to tackle gender-based and cyber violence?


Gender-based and cyber violence are clearly recognised by the Digital Services Act as particular risks that the largest digital companies shall recognise when assessing and mitigating threats their services can cause. These obligations will be complemented by a dedicated definition of particular crimes conducted online under #VAW Directive.

When the first results of these actions will be visible? And is it enough to prevent spreading of such a behaviour online? Legislators, representatives of persons directly affected as well as independent researchers will exchange on these questions openly during the #DSAevent.

Recorded session


Moderator: Eleonora Esposito, Case Handler Officer, European Commission

  • Asha Allen, Advocacy Director for Europe, Centre for Democracy and Technology (CDT)
  • Noeline Blackwell, CEO, Dublin Rape Crisis Centre
  • Sara de Vido, Associate Professor, University of Venice
  • Diogo Costa, Researcher in gender-based violence, EIGE
  • Sidsel Harder, Post doctoral researcher, University of Ghent


Title: Online marketplaces in the DSA - making shopping online safer


This workshop will focus on analysing the practical side and applicability of the provision aimed at tackling the sale and promotion of illegal products, especially counterfeited products and unsafe/illegal goods and services on online marketplaces.

It will focus on the new requirement for online marketplaces to verify the identity of their business users offering goods for sale on their services - the Know-Your-Business-Customer obligation - and implementation of the compliance by design provisions, enabling traders to comply with their obligations as regards pre-contractual information and EU product safety rules.

It will also focus on the additional duty of care placed on online marketplaces to make reasonable efforts to prevent illegal products from appearing on their services, including though random checks on whether products have been identified as illegal in official available databases.

Recorded session


Moderator: Kristofer Johannesson, Swedish Deputy Consumer Ombudsman

  • Delphine Dauba-Pantanacce, Director Global Regulatory at eBay 
  • Maryant Fernandez Perez, Senior Digital Officer, BEUC
  • Magdalena Piech, Board Member European Tech Alliance
  • Betina Schoning, Senior Legal Advisor, Danish Chamber of Commerce
  • Catherine Van Reeth, Director-General Toy Industries of Europe


Title: Mental wellbeing and the use of online platforms - friend and foe? Implications for the DSA


This workshop will bring together Europe leading experts to talk about the latest research on the use of online platforms and its impact on mental health, what research is needed to understand the extent of the problem and how the DSA rules can be applied to mitigate risks to mental well-being.

Recorded session


Moderator: Patti Valkenburg, Professor University of Amsterdam

Scene setter: Arianna Sala, Project Officer, European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT)

  • Gregoire Borst, Professor University of Paris. 
  • Francesca Centola, Policy and Knowledge Officer, Mental Health Europe
  • Siri Helle, Psychologist
  • Adrian Meier, Assistant Professor Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg
  • Véronique Wasbauer, Principal Advisor DG SANTE


Title: EU rules on Data Protection, Privacy & the DSA; interplay, challenges, opportunities


The DSA contains a number of provisions that interface with EU data protection rules, for example concerning the use of profiling for the presentation of targeted advertisements or the obligation on certain service providers to assess the risks that their services pose for fundamental rights, including privacy and data protection.

This workshop is an occasion to explore how the different frameworks reinforce each other, which synergies may arise in their implementation, and which needs and capacities exist among stakeholders.

Recorded session


Moderator: Suzanne Vergnolle, Professor of Technology Law at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers

  • Alberto Di Felice, Director for Infrastructure, Privacy and Security, Digital Europe
  • Helen Dixon, Data Protection Commissioner, Data Protection Authority Ireland
  • Karolina Iwańska, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law
  • Joris van Hoboken, Professor  Vrije Universiteit Brussels and Amsterdam University
  • Midas Nouwens, Assistant Professor, Aarhus University


Title: Using data science to enforce the Digital Services Act


The workshop will focus on how data science can be utilised to support the monitoring and enforcement of the Digital Services Act. The panel will consist of experts in the fields of data science, law, and policy who will explore the ways in which data science can be applied to ensure compliance with the regulations outlined in the Digital Services Act. They will also discuss the challenges and opportunities that arise when using data science to enforce such regulations.

Recorded session


Moderator: Inge Graef, Professor Tilburg University

  • Asia Biega, Researcher leading the Responsible Computing group, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
  • Louis-Victor de Franssu, Co-founder Tremau
  • Nicolas Deffieux, Director, French Centre of expertise for digital platform regulation
  • Catalina Goanta, Associate Professor Utrecht University School of Law


After the morning sessions there will be a lunch break before the afternoon sessions begin at 13.50 - 15.10.