Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Open consultations


Open Public Consultation for the Mid-term Evaluation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)

Policy field(s)

Employment, Social Affairs, Youth

Target group(s)

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute. However, contributions are particularly sought from stakeholders and participants/beneficiaries directly involved in the EGF during the 2014-2020 period, especially: - Stakeholders involved with the design and delivery of the EGF support - Stakeholders involved in addressing wider questions of company, industrial and regional restructuring - Participants in EGF support measures.

Period of consultationfrom :     18/05/2016     To :   18/09/2016
Objective of the consultation

This public consultation is designed to support the Mid-term Evaluation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, under article 20 of the new Regulation on EGF (1309/2013) adopted in December 2013. The mid-term evaluation covers the activities of the EGF during the period 2014-2015. The evaluation is gathering the views of stakeholders and beneficiaries to the broadest scope.

The Open Public Consultation has therefore a dual role. It will not only help to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and other aspects of the cases being analysed, but also to shape the future of the EGF. It is expected that open public consultation will provide valuable input to the future development of the fund.

How to submit your contribution

Please click here to submit your contribution.

View the consultation document bg cs da de et el en es fr hr it lv lt hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv
View the questionnaire: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/17045339-75a7-d898-9c7b-1aaf7cf27875
Reference documents and other, related consultations
Contact details Responsible service : DG Employment, Social Affairs and inclusion, unit F2: EGF, Shared Management
E-mail : EMPL-EGF-EVALUATION@ec.europa.eu
Postal address :Unit F2: EGF, Shared Management DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion European Commission, Rue Joseph II, 27 – 00/120, B-1049 BRUXELLES
View the contributions


Results of consultation and next steps
Report of the Open Public Consultation
Synopsis of Consultations
Specific privacy statement
Protection of personal data  

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