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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue

Message to subscribers


Message from Barbara Nolan, Head of Representation

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very pleasant and relaxing summer holiday. Please note that our newsletter service will be taking a short break for the holiday period. The next edition will arrive in your inboxes on Thursday 29 August. Thank you for your ongoing interest in our news and activities.

Top News

European Commission publishes 5th Rule of Law report

The European Commission this week published its fifth annual Rule of Law Report which covers developments in four key areas: justice systems, the anti-corruption framework, media freedom and pluralism, and other institutional issues linked to checks and balances. The report includes an overview of the situation in the EU as a whole as well as 27 country chapters looking at positive developments and challenges in each EU country and recommendations to each EU country. The specific recommendations for Ireland include: taking forward the necessary legislative work to reduce litigation costs; completing the reform of the Defamation act to improve the professional environment for journalists; and ensuring that rules or mechanisms are in place to provide funding for public service media that is appropriate for the realisation of its public service remit while guaranteeing its independence.

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See also Ireland country chapter

European Commission opens 5 infringement procedures against Ireland

The European Commission has decided to open an infringement procedure against Ireland for not carrying out market surveillance as required by the Construction Products Regulation. The Commission is also starting infringement procedures against Ireland for failure to comply fully with the requirements of: the EU Data Governance Act; the Single European Sky Regulations; the Waste Framework Directive; and the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States. Ireland now has two months to reply to the letters of formal notice. In the absence of satisfactory responses, the Commission may decide to issue reasoned opinions.

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Other news

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine: Council renews economic sanctions for a further 6 months

The Council of the EU this week renewed the EU restrictive measures in view of the Russian Federation's continuing actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine for a further 6 months, until 31 January 2025. These sanctions, first introduced in 2014, were significantly expanded since February 2022 in response to Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified and illegal military aggression against Ukraine. They currently consist of a broad spectrum of sectoral measures, including restrictions on trade, finance, technology and dual-use goods, industry, transport and luxury goods.
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Commission coordinates action by national consumer protection authorities against Meta on ‘pay or consent' model

The Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) Network this week sent a letter following concerns that Meta's ‘pay or consent' model might breach EU consumer law. The Commission coordinated this action which is led by the French Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention. The action started in 2023, immediately after Meta had requested consumers overnight to either subscribe to use Facebook and Instagram against a fee or to consent to Meta's use of their personal data to be shown personalised ads, allowing Meta to make revenue out of it (‘pay or consent').
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Irish retailer shortlisted for EU Organic Award

Coolanowle Organic Meats from County Laois is one of three projects shortlisted for an EU Organic Award in the category "best organic food retailer". In total, 24 projects from 11 EU countries have been shortlisted for this year's awards over 8 different categories. The 8 winners will be unveiled on 23 September. The Awards, which are jointly organised by the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Regions, COPA-COGECA and IFOAM Organics Europe, aim to honour projects that are outstanding, innovative, sustainable, and inspiring, adding real value to organic production and consumption.
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EU and Singapore conclude negotiations for landmark Digital Trade Agreement

The EU and Singapore have concluded negotiations for a Digital Trade Agreement (DTA). The DTA will complement the 2019 EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, connecting both economies further and benefiting businesses and consumers that want to engage in digital trade. It will also provide binding rules that build consumer trust, ensure predictability and legal certainty for businesses, as well as removing and preventing the emergence of unjustified barriers to digital trade.

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Council adopts updated fisheries measures in the North-East Atlantic

The Council of the EU this week formally adopted a set of updated fisheries measures in the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) area. This regulation implements into EU law new rules on management, conservation and control for the NEAFC area, as well as control measures for certain pelagic species in the North-East Atlantic which were agreed during coastal states consultations. The text also brings together in one single regulation all NEAFC measures previously covered by different regulations.
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European Commission and Palestinian Authority agree on emergency financial support and the principles for a recovery and resilience programme

The European Commission and the Palestinian Authority have signed a Letter of Intent which sets out a strategy for addressing the critical budgetary and fiscal situation of the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian economy, whose structural vulnerabilities have been exacerbated by the consequences of the war in Gaza and much-needed pending developments and reforms. The strategy aims at stabilising the Palestinian Authority and the economy in the West Bank. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: “Together, we are laying the groundwork for economic and political stability in the West Bank. And we are setting the foundations for the reconstruction of Gaza. We need an immediate and enduring ceasefire. And we must prepare for the day after.”
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Commission decides to register two new European Citizens' Initiatives on closing animal farms and labelling of food

Two new European Citizens' Initiatives, entitled ‘Stop Cruelty Stop Slaughter' and ‘Stop Fake Food: Origin on Label' were this week registered by the European Commission. The organisers now have six months to open the signature collection. If a European Citizens' Initiative receives at least one million statements of support within one year with minimum numbers reached in at least seven different Member States, the Commission will have to react. The Commission will have to decide whether or not it will take action in response to the request, and will be required to explain its reasoning.

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Commission publishes Member States' recommendations for mitigating cybersecurity risks in telecommunications and electricity sectors

EU Member States, with the support of the Commission and of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), have just published a report on the cybersecurity of the telecommunications and electricity sectors in the EU, as well as recommendations to bolster their resilience. The report points to concerns about a number of risks, including risks to supply chain security, the lack of cyber professionals and the risks posed by malicious activities from cyber criminals and state-sponsored threat actors.
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Statistic of the week

Average expected duration of working life in Ireland 5th highest in the EU: Eurostat

According to Eurostat, the expected average duration of working life for 15-year-olds in Ireland was 40 years in 2023, 5th highest in the EU after Netherlands (43.7 years), Sweden (43.1 years) Denmark (41.3 years) and Estonia (40.8). The EU average was 36.9 years dropping to 32.2 years in Romania. Young Irish men had an average expected duration of working life of 42.8 years in 2023 while for young Irish women it was 37.1 years. Overall, the average expected duration of working life for young Irish people in 2023 was up by 4 years from 2015 when it was 36 years.

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Irish businesses less likely to rate corruption as a problem: Eurobarometer

A new Eurobarometer survey on businesses' attitudes towards corruption shows that 33% of Irish companies surveyed think the problem of corruption is widespread in their country, with only 7% considering it very widespread, joint 3rd lowest in the EU. The EU average was 64% rising to 97% in Greece. Irish companies (9%) were also the second least likely after Denmark (6%) to rate corruption as a problem for their company when doing business in Ireland. The EU average was 37%. And only 6% of Irish companies surveyed rate patronage and nepotism as a serious problem, the lowest share in the EU where the average was 38%.

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Three in 4 Irish people think corruption is unacceptable: Eurobarometer

A new Eurobarometer on citizens' attitudes towards corruption reveals that 74% of Irish people think corruption is unacceptable, 3rd highest in the EU after Spain (80%) and Malta (77%). When asked about their own experience of corruption, 57% of Irish people think corruption is widespread in their country, below the EU average of 68%, while 18% of Irish people agree that they are personally affected by corruption in their daily lives, again below the EU average of 27%. When asked about their attitudes to corruption, 21% of Irish people, 4th lowest in the EU, think it is always or sometimes acceptable to do a favour if they wanted to get something from the public administration or a public service, below the EU average of 33%. And 12% of Irish people think it is always or sometimes acceptable to give money to get something from the public administration or a public service, third lowest in the EU where the average was 21%.
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Irish people most likely to think the EU plays a key role in upholding the Rule of Law in their country: Eurobarometer

84% of Irish people, joint highest in the EU with Luxembourg, consider that the EU plays an important role in helping to uphold the rule of law in their country according to a new Eurobarometer survey. The EU average is 72%. The survey also shows that 91% of Irish and 89% of European respondents consider it essential or important that all EU Member States respect the core values of the EU, including fundamental rights, the rule of law and democracy. When asked about justice in their country, 60% of Irish and 53% of EU respondents agree that judges are independent and not under the influence of political or economic interests.

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Friday 26 July: A Moldovan Perspective on EU Accession and Integration (IIEA event)

In this address to the IIEA, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, Mihai Popșoi, will discuss the membership aspirations of Moldova and ongoing negotiations with the European Union, particularly about the necessary structural reforms underway within the country, and the feasibility of the 2030 target date for EU Accession. Another theme of his address will cover Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and ongoing “grey zone” assaults on Moldova. This hybrid event takes place at 10 am on Friday 26 July.

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Tuesday 30 July: Former Director for European Affairs at the US National Security Council, Dr Alexander Vindman, to address the IIEA on Russia-Ukraine War

On Tuesday lunchtime 30 July Dr Alexander Vindman, former director for European Affairs on the White House’s National Security Council, will address a hybrid IIEA event on "The Russia-Ukraine War: Its Causes, Conduct, and Geopolitical Context". In his address to the IIEA, Dr Vindman will examine the Russia-Ukraine War: Past, Present, and Future. He will discuss the roots of the war and its conduct to date, highlighting the conflict’s effects on European security, the trans-Atlantic alliance, and broader geopolitics. Dr Vindman will also provide analysis on how the war is likely to unfold and conclude.

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Wednesday 31 July: EU Basics Webinar

On Wednesday lunchtime 31 July, the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland will hold their next EU Basics Webinar. This one-hour webinar will cover the following: why the EU matters in your personal life; how the EU works and why voting matters; how have half a century of EU membership influenced Ireland; and how can you get involved. Register at the link below.

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Calls for Tender/Proposals

European Commission Representation in Ireland publishes call for tender for organisation of events

The European Commission Representation in Dublin has published a call for tender for a Framework Contract for the provision of Event Organisation and Related Services. Entities wishing to take part in the proceedings are invited to submit a tender by 23/08/2024 at 1pm via the EU Funding & Tenders Portal (see link below). The proceedings will be conducted via the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.
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2024 Sport Supports call for pilot projects now published

The 2024 call for pilot projects is now launched and is open to sports organisations active at local level. This pilot project aims to encourage community integration of children and youth affected by humanitarian crisis and mass migration processes due to war. Sport activities, with their power of bringing people together, will help interaction with the host community, facilitate integration into the education system and the labour market. Applications are open until 17 October 2024.

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Job opportunities


Assistants in the field of finance

The EU is seeking professionals in the fields of financial management, accounting and treasury and public procurement. Successful candidates will be recruited at the assistant grade AST 3. Applicants must be EU nationals and have a thorough knowledge of one official EU language and a satisfactory knowledge of a different official EU language. They must also fulfil certain educational and experience criteria. The deadline to apply is 11 am (Irish time) on 3 September 2024.
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Applications for Blue Book traineeships now open

Applications for the next round of traineeships at the European Commission, the Blue Book Traineeship scheme, are now open. These paid traineeships are open to university graduates with a good knowledge of at least two EU languages. The traineeships will last for 5 months, starting at the beginning of March 2025. Trainees will receive a living allowance of about €1,376 per month. Most of the traineeships will be based in Brussels. However, a small number will be available in other European capitals. Applications close at 9am on 30 August 2024 (it is advised to apply well before the deadline).
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