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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue

Top News

Commission disburses the first payment of €324 million to Ireland under the Recovery and Resilience Facility

The European Commission this week disbursed to Ireland the first payment for €324 million in grants under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). In a statement, President von der Leyen said: "Today Ireland is receiving its first payment under Europe's Recovery Plan, Next Generation EU. €324 million in European investment for railways, clean tech and digitising schools. This is happening because of Ireland's impressive progress on its reform agenda. Even in a very difficult international environment, Ireland has overcome immense challenges and now your economy is again on the rise".

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Ireland in 7th place on the 2024 European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS)

Ireland is classed as a "strong innovator" with a performance at 113.2% of the EU average in 2024 putting it in 7th place on this year's European Innovation Scoreboard. Denmark took the top spot with a score of 135.7% of the EU average and is one of four countries classed as "innovation leaders" (along with Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands). Ireland's highest scores were in the areas of human resources where it came in overall first place for the share of population with a tertiary qualification. It was below the EU average however for the share of population engaged in lifelong learning. Ireland also scored very highly for attractive research systems, linkages and employment impacts but came in second lowest for R&D expenditure in the public sector.

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See also For more on Ireland's performance, go to...

Commission accepts commitments by Apple opening access to 'tap and go' technology on iPhones

The European Commission this week made commitments offered by Apple legally binding under EU antitrust rules. The commitments address the Commission's competition concerns relating to Apple's refusal to grant rivals access to a standard technology used for contactless payments with iPhones in stores (‘Near-Field-Communication (NFC)' or ‘tap and go'). Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager said: "It is safe and convenient to pay with your phone. Apple has committed to allow rivals to access the 'tap and go’ technology of iPhones. Today’s decision makes Apple’ commitments binding. It opens up competition in this crucial sector".

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Other news

Two Irish researchers awarded European Research Council (ERC) proof of concept grants

The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the award of 100 new Proof of Concept Grants, in the first round of the 2024 competition. Two Irish researchers are among the 100 - Padraig Cantillon-Murphy from UCC and Eoin Casey from UCD. Proof of concept grants – each worth €150,000 – aim to help researchers bridge the gap between the discoveries stemming from their frontier research and the practical application of the findings, including early phases of their commercialisation. They are open only to researchers who currently hold, or have previously been awarded, ERC frontier research grants.

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Europe's new Ariane 6 rocket powers into space

Europe's new heavy-lift rocket, Ariane 6, made its inaugural flight from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana on Tuesday of this week. Ariane 6 is the latest in Europe's Ariane rocket series, taking over from Ariane 5, and featuring a modular and versatile design that can launch missions from low-Earth orbit and farther out into deep space. Commissioner Thierry Breton said the launch was "a crucial step to ensure Europe’s autonomous access to space".

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Commission requests information to Amazon under the Digital Services Act

The European Commission this week sent Amazon a request for information under the Digital Services Act (DSA). The Commission is requesting Amazon to provide more information on the measures the platform has taken to comply with the DSA obligations related to the transparency of recommender systems and their parameters, as well as to the provisions on maintaining an ad repository and its risk assessment report. Amazon must provide the requested information by 26 July 2024.
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Commission designates adult content platform XNXX as Very Large Online Platform under the Digital Services Act

The European Commission has formally designated XNXX as a Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) under the Digital Services Act (DSA). XNXX is an adult content platform with an average of more than 45 million monthly users in the European Union putting it above the DSA threshold for designation as a VLOP. XNXX will now have to comply with the most stringent rules under the DSA within four months of its notification (i.e. by mid-November 2024). This includes taking specific measures to empower and protect users online and to prevent minors from accessing pornographic content online, including with age-verification tools.
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Commission welcomes a twelve-month roaming extension for affordable calls to and from Ukraine

The European Commission has welcomed the fifth prolongation for another twelve months of the voluntary agreement between 22 European and seven Ukrainian telecommunications operators to ensure that refugees from Ukraine can stay connected across borders. The Commission, together with the NCEC, the Ukrainian national regulatory authority, facilitated the agreement. Affordable calls allow those seeking shelter in Europe to reach family and friends in Ukraine, and vice versa.
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New EU rules on vehicle safety and automated mobility enter into force

From 7 July, new rules on vehicle safety apply to all new vehicles sold in the EU. Thanks to the EU General Safety Regulation, vehicles now sold in the EU have to be equipped with a series of new safety features to assist the driver and help better protect passengers, pedestrians and cyclists across the EU.
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Commission calls for applications for the newly established Technology Council for Advanced Materials

The European Commission has launched a call for applications for members of the new Technology Council for Advanced Materials. This high-level group will coordinate efforts to meet future needs for advanced materials in Europe and is key to building a single advanced materials ecosystem. The Technology Council will comprise representatives from Ministries of research and industry of Member States, high level representatives from the academic world, research and technology organisations, as well as industry and the Commission. The deadline for applications to be submitted is 9 September 2024 at the latest.
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Vacancies at the Irish Centre for European Law

The Irish Centre for European Law (ICEL) is inviting applications for the following positions: Company Secretary; Board Members/Charity Trustees; Chairperson & Members of the Audit & Governance Committee; and Chairperson of the Members' Committee. Full information, including job descriptions and application details, is available at the link below. The closing date to apply is Friday, 16 August 2024. The Irish Centre for European Law is a Centre of the School of Law of Trinity College Dublin, constituted as a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity, with an independent Board. The Board chairperson is the Centre’s President, Advocate General Anthony M Collins.
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Statistic of the week

EU population increases again in 2024: Eurostat

New Eurostat figures show that the EU's population reached 449.2 million people on 1 January 2024, up from 447.6 million on 1 January 2023. The increase can be largely attributed to the increased migratory movements post-COVID-19 and to the influx of displaced persons from Ukraine who received temporary protection status in EU countries. In terms of size, Germany at 83.4 million had the largest population while Malta at 0.6 million had the lowest. Ireland had the 9th lowest population in the EU at 5.34 million.

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Ireland 5th lowest for number of hospital beds relative to population: Eurostat

New figures from Eurostat show that there were, on average, 516 hospital beds per 100,000 people in the EU in 2022, down from 563 in 2012. This decrease is in part due to scientific and technological developments which have reduced the average length of stay for in-patient procedures or replaced those procedures with ones provided by day care or out-patient care. Bulgaria had the highest ratio of hospital beds relative to its population size at 823 per 100,000 people followed by Germany at 766. The lowest ratios were recorded in Sweden (190), the Netherlands (245) and Denmark (248). Ireland had the 5th lowest share at 291.
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Friday 12 July: Changing the Narrative on Migration (IIEA online event)

At a time when migration is one of the most pressing issues on the international agenda – and one of the most polarising – Amy Pope, Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), will reflect on why it is important to change the global narrative – from one that is highly politicised to one that captures the potential and rich benefits of this global phenomenon. This IIEA online event takes place at 12 noon on Friday 12 July.

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Monday 15 July: Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Brussels

On the agenda: the work programme of the Hungarian presidency; trade-related agricultural issues; and ways to improve the long-term viability of rural areas.
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Monday 15 July: Eurogroup meeting, Brussels

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Tuesday 16 July: Post-European Parliament Elections: What’s Next? (IIEA event)

This panel discussion will look at what the next steps might be for the EU following the European Parliament elections, which took place in June. The panellists will look at where we are in the various post-election processes, as regards to appointments to the top EU jobs, the formation of the parliamentary groups, and the formation of the new Commission. Speakers include: Professor John O’ Brennan from Maynooth University and Director of the Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian studies; Frances Fitzgerald, former government minister and MEP; and Marian Harkin TD and former MEP. This hybrid event will take place at 1pm.

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Tuesday 16 July: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (Social, Employment), Brussels

On the agenda: the European Semester; labour and skills shortages; and the employment of persons with disabilities.
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Tuesday 16 July: Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Brussels

On the agenda: the Work Programme of the Hungarian Presidency; the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF); the state of play of the economic and financial impact of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine; the Stability and Growth Pact; convergence reports; the G20; and financial services.
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Tuesday 16 to Friday 19 July: First sitting of the new European Parliament, Strasbourg

Political groups will prepare for the constitutive session of Parliament’s tenth legislative term, which will take place on 16-19 July in Strasbourg. The session will start with the election of the President of the Parliament. MEPs will then elect their Bureau (14 Vice-Presidents and five Quaestors) and decide on the number of MEPs and composition of each parliamentary committee and delegation. On Thursday morning, they are expected to hold a debate with Ursula von der Leyen, the candidate for the Commission Presidency, followed by a vote on her election. On Wednesday morning, Parliament is set to assess the outcome of the 27 June EU summit in a debate with European Council President Charles Michel.
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Wednesday 17 July: The Place of France and the EU in the Face of Global Upheavals (IIEA event)

In his remarks to the IIEA Édouard Philippe, former Prime Minister of France, will analyse the role of France and the EU in adapting to global upheavals. In his address, he will underscore France's pivotal role in Europe, especially in promoting peace and economic cooperation, while addressing current challenges such as shifting global power dynamics, waning multilateralism, and defense policy alignment. He will also highlight the necessity of a united Europe to effectively respond to these issues. This hybrid event takes place at 1.15 pm on Wednesday 17 July.

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Thursday 18 July: Meeting of the European Political Community, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Monday 22 July: Foreign Affairs Council, Brussels

EU Foreign Affairs Ministers will discuss the Russian aggression against Ukraine, after an informal exchange of views with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba, via videoconference. They will also discuss the situation in the Middle East.
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Tuesday 30 July: Former Director for European Affairs at the US National Security Council, Dr Alexander Vindman, to address the IIEA on Russia-Ukraine War

On Tuesday lunchtime 30 July Dr Alexander Vindman, former director for European Affairs on the White House’s National Security Council, will address a hybrid IIEA event on "The Russia-Ukraine War: Its Causes, Conduct, and Geopolitical Context". In his address to the IIEA, Dr Vindman will examine the Russia-Ukraine War: Past, Present, and Future. He will discuss the roots of the war and its conduct to date, highlighting the conflict’s effects on European security, the trans-Atlantic alliance, and broader geopolitics. Dr Vindman will also provide analysis on how the war is likely to unfold and conclude.

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Wednesday 31 July: EU Basics Webinar

On Wednesday lunchtime 31 July, the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland will hold their next EU Basics Webinar. This one-hour webinar will cover the following: why the EU matters in your personal life; how the EU works and why voting matters; how have half a century of EU membership influenced Ireland; and how can you get involved. Register at the link below.
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Job opportunities


Traineeships at the European Court of Justice

Applications for paid graduate traineeships in the European Court of Justice for the five-month period starting on 1 March 2025 are currently open. To be eligible, applicants much be nationals of a Member State of the European Union, subject to duly justified exceptions; have completed a university course in law, political science or economics or in a related field, attested by a diploma (or, exceptionally, an equivalent course of study); have a thorough knowledge of an official language of the European Union and a good knowledge of another official language of the European Union; and have not already undertaken a traineeship (whether paid or unpaid) in an institution or body of the European Union.
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Administrators in the field of statistics

The EU is seeking highly qualified professionals in the field of data and statistics, as well as macroeconomic statistics. Applicants must be EU nationals and have a thorough knowledge of one official EU language and a satisfactory knowledge of a different official EU language. They must also have a university degree and a number of years of professional experience.
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