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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue

Top News

EU leaders meet this week to decide on top jobs

EU leaders are meeting this afternoon and tomorrow in Brussels where they will decide on the top EU jobs for the next institutional cycle and adopt the strategic agenda 2024-2029, a policy plan that sets the EU’s direction and goals. Leaders are also expected to adopt a roadmap for future work on internal reforms to be undertaken by the EU to fulfil long-term ambitions and strengthen its capacity to deal with increasingly complex challenges. Also on the agenda are: Ukraine; the Middle East; security and defence; competitiveness; migration; foreign policy; and, hybrid threats.

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European Union opens accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova

The European Union opened accessions negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova this week. Welcoming the news, President von der Leyen said: "The people of Ukraine and Moldova have demonstrated their unwavering commitment and determination to be a part of this project. Even in a time of war and turmoil they have started extensive reforms. They know, that their journey will be rigorous and demanding. The accession negotiations are designed to prepare the candidates for the responsibilities of membership. This is why there are no shortcuts. We embark on these negotiations in a strong spirit of openness, engagement, and commitment".

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EU adopts 14th package of sanctions against Russia

The European Commission has welcomed the adoption by the Council of the EU this week of a 14th package of sanctions against Russia. The new sanctions target high-value sectors of the Russian economy such as energy, finance and trade, and make it increasingly difficult to circumvent EU sanctions. In addition, political parties and foundations, and NGOs will no longer be allowed to accept funding from Russia, and 116 entities and individuals have been sanctioned.

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See also An 14ú pacáiste smachtbhannaí in agha...

Commission sends Statement of Objections to Microsoft over possibly abusive tying practices regarding Teams

The European Commission this week informed Microsoft of its preliminary view that Microsoft has breached EU antitrust rules by tying its communication and collaboration product Teams to its popular productivity applications included in its suites for businesses Office 365 and Microsoft 365. Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager said: "We are concerned that Microsoft may be giving its own communication product Teams an undue advantage over competitors, by tying it to its popular productivity suites for businesses. And preserving competition for remote communication and collaboration tools is essential as it also fosters innovation on these markets. If confirmed, Microsoft’s conduct would be illegal under our competition rules".

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Other news

Convergence Report reviews Member States' progress towards joining the euro area

The European Commission this week published the 2024 Convergence Report in which it provides its assessment of the progress non-euro area Member States have made towards adopting the euro. The report covers the six non-euro area Member States that are legally committed to adopting the euro: Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Sweden. It concludes that none of the six currently meets all of the criteria for joining the euro area.

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EU steps up the fight against vaccine-preventable cancers under Europe's Beating Cancer Plan

The European Commission welcomed the adoption of a set of recommendations on vaccine-preventable cancers at last Friday's Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council. Proposed by the Commission in January, the recommendations aim to increase the uptake of vaccination against viruses that can lead to cancers Human papillomaviruses (HPV) and Hepatitis B virus (HBV). By boosting vaccination uptake, Member States can prevent cancers caused by these viruses, save lives and reduce the pressures on health systems.

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See also Dlús curtha ag an Aontas leis an gcomhr...

EU gains US market access for certain plants

Producers of certain plants from 21 EU Member States, which include Ireland, will soon be able to export to the United States, thanks to the European Commission’s efforts to negotiate the removal of US import restrictions. On 12 June 2024, after several years of discussions, the US published its final Notice recognising 'country free' status for 21 EU Member States for two plant pests: the Asian long-horned beetle (ALB) and the Citrus long-horned beetle (CLB). This positive result follows a long and detailed engagement with the US to see this trade restriction lifted.

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EU signs agreement with Serbia to strengthen migration and border management cooperation

The European Union and Serbia have signed an agreement on operational cooperation in border management with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex). The agreement will allow Frontex to carry out joint operations and deploy the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps anywhere on the territory of Serbia, including its borders with neighbouring non-EU countries. Reinforcing border management along the whole migration route is essential to reduce irregular arrivals, also considering the evolving modus operandi of smugglers, and the risks of firearms trafficking and organised crime.
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First Net-Zero Academy to train 100,000 workers in the EU solar photovoltaic value chain

Last Friday, the European Commission launched the European Solar Academy, the first in a series of EU Academies to be set up under the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA). It is estimated that in the solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing sector alone, some 66,000 skilled workers will be needed by 2030 for the EU to meets its ambitious renewable energy targets while ensuring industrial competitiveness. The Solar Academy aims to train 100,000 workers in the solar photovoltaic value chain over the next three years.

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Commission provides new evidence for approach to R&I for a more competitive Europe

A new report published this week by the European Commission highlights three main challenges for EU Research and Innovation (R&I): underutilised R&I ecosystems; persistent R&I divide; and technological gap compared to other regions of the world. The Science, Research and Innovation Performance report (SRIP) also shows that there has been an increase in EU investments in R&I over the past two decades which has contributed to the EU's competitiveness in green tech especially, and to the overall high quality of EU research.
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Temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees extended until March 2026

The Council of the EU this week adopted a decision to extend the temporary protection until 4 March 2026 for the more than 4 million Ukrainians fleeing from Russia’s war of aggression. According to their national procedures member states may have to adopt additional implementation acts to formalise the prolongation. Temporary protection provides immediate and collective protection to a large group of displaced persons who arrive in the EU and who are not in a position to return to their country of origin. It reduces pressure on national asylum systems because applications do not have to be examined individually.
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New EU report looks at the inclusion of displaced Ukrainian children in the EU education system

Approximately 700,000 displaced children from Ukraine are estimated to be enrolled in schools across the EU, according to a new European Commission report on the inclusion of displaced Ukrainian children in European education systems. In Ireland, there are over 11,000 Ukrainian students enrolled in primary schools, almost 7,000 in secondary schools and over 18,600 in the third level sector. All 23 Member States that responded to the survey, which include Ireland, have mobilised support for students, families, teachers and educational institutions, across all levels of education and training. They also provide support in the language of schooling.

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Strong Irish support for EU trade policy: Eurobarometer

68% of Irish people feel they benefit from trade according to a new Eurobarometer on Europeans' attitudes on trade and EU trade policy, above the EU average of 62%. The survey also showed that 85% or Irish respondents agreed that the EU is more effective at defending the trade interests of Member States' in the world than they are when acting alone - again well above the EU average of 74%. And 83% of Irish people, the second highest in the EU after Portugal at 87%, trust the EU to conduct its trade policy in an open and transparent manner. The EU average was 65%.

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Statistic of the week

Renewables made up 44.7% of EU electricity production: Eurostat

Renewable energy (hydro, wind and solar PV) was the leading source of electricity in the EU in 2023, according to Eurostat, when it accounted for 44.7% of all electricity production, an increase of 12.4% on 2022. Fossil fuels were in second place accounting for 32.5 % of electricity (down from 39.4 % in 2022). The remaining 22.8% came from nuclear power, which saw a very mild recovery in 2023 compared with the record-low levels registered in 2022.

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Thursday 27 and Friday 28 June: European Council, Brussels

EU leaders will discuss the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029, the next institutional cycle, Ukraine, the Middle East, security and defence, competitiveness, and other items.
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Monday 1 July:European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen to address IIEA event on the Global Gateway investment strategy

On Monday afternoon 1 July, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, will present the Global Gateway investment strategy at an IIEA hybrid event. In a time of geopolitical turmoil and subsequent global crises, which have hit the most vulnerable the hardest, Global Gateway is the European Union’s positive and holistic partnership offer to advance Sustainable Development Goals in partner countries. It reflects the new paradigm of development cooperation, stemming from the need to reset relations with the Global South and build mutually beneficial, equal partnerships to solve global challenges.

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Wednesday 3 July: Webinar - Launching your EU Career: Opportunities in Crisis Management and Migration

The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) recently launched a recruitment competition for Administrators (AD7) in the field of Crisis management and Migration and internal security. On Wednesday morning 3 July, Ireland’s Permanent Representation to the EU will host a webinar on this competition starting at 11:00 am (Irish time). Attendees will hear from colleagues working in this policy area, as well as hearing from EPSO regarding the competition process. Anyone interested in attending this online event should register by 2 July 2024.
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Thursday 4 July: Eurofound webinar - Is Europe’s green transition in jeopardy?

On Thursday morning 10 July, Eurofound and the European Environment Agency (EEA) are hosting #EurofoundLive webinar: Is Europe's green transition in jeopardy? Join the experts Maria Jepsen, Deputy Director at Eurofound, and Riyong Kim, Head of Sustainability Transitions (STR) at the EEA, who will discuss why Europe has embarked on its green transition, what impact will be on jobs, and the prospects for Europe’s environmental policies are for the future.

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Friday 5 July: Lessons for Irish Reunification from Germany (IIEA hybrid event)

On Friday 5 July at 1pm, Professor Tobias Lock will give a detailed examination of the constitutional and legal processes behind German reunification to highlight the substantial legal challenges that Irish unification would entail. Similar to German reunification, achieving Irish unity would necessitate negotiations at multiple levels: domestic, bilateral, and international, including with the EU. This process would involve integrating two distinct legal systems, addressing issues ranging from the routine to the contentious. Tobias Lock is a Professor of Law at Maynooth University and the founding director of the Maynooth Centre for European Law

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Monday 15 July: Eurogroup meeting, Brussels

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Monday 15 July: Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Brussels

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Tuesday 16 July: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (Social, Employment), Brussels

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Tuesday 16 July: Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Brussels

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Thursday 18 July: Meeting of the European Political Community, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Calls for Tender/Proposals

Call for proposals - projects fight migrant smuggling

The European Commission has opened a call for proposals to fight agains migrant smuggling. This call, which has a budget of €12 million, will support Common Operational Partnership projects that enhance the prevention and fight against migrant smuggling and support cooperation between law enforcement, judicial authorities and other relevant services of the participating Member States and third countries. The application deadline is 4 September 2024.

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Applications open for Access City Awards 2025

Applications opened this week for the Access City Awards 2025, an EU initiative that recognises efforts by cities to become more accessible and to promote equal access to urban life for people with disabilities. The awards are open to all EU cities of over 50,000 inhabitants and to urban areas composed of two or more towns with a combined population of over 50.000 inhabitants. The winner and runners-up will receive a monetary prize: €150,000 for the first place; €120,000 for second place and €80,000 for third place. Applications are open until 10 September 2024. Dublin received a special mention in 2011 while South Dublin County received a special mention for landscape and playground areas in 2024.

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2025 European Prize for Women Innovators open for applications

The European Commission this week launched the 2025 edition of the European Prize for Women Innovators. This joint initiative, supported by the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), celebrates the outstanding achievements of women entrepreneurs behind Europe's most game-changing innovations. Winners will be selected in three prize categories: EIC Women innovators, EIC Rising innovators and EIT Women leadership. The deadline for applications is 25 September 2024. A number of Irish women have won prizes in recent years.

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Job opportunities


Call for expressions of interest in order to recruit DSA (Digital Services Act) Policy Officers (CA FG IV) in the Commission's Representations

The European Commission has launched a call for expressions of interest in order to recruit DSA (Digital Services Act) Policy Officers (CA FG IV) in the Commission's Representations in the 27 Member States. Candidates must hold EU citizenship, have passed an EPSO CAST in the relevant Function Group for this position; and have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of at least three years attested by a diploma. If you are interested in applying, please click on the link below. The deadline for applications is 16 July 2024.
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ICT Experts in the European Parliament

The European Parliament has recently published two Calls for Expression of Interest for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Officers (Contract Agents – Function Group III) and ICT Experts (Contract Agent – Function Group IV). They are looking to recruit these positions in Luxembourg, Strasbourg and Brussels. Applicants must hold EU citizenship; have fulfilled any obligations imposed by national laws concerning military service; and produce the appropriate character references as to your suitability for the performance of the duties.

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Public consultations

Commission launches stakeholder consultation on the Digital Europe Programme

The European Commission has launched a 12-week open stakeholder consultation on the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL). The consultation seeks to gain insights into the needs of stakeholders related to the digital transformation, DIGITAL's benefits and possible improvements - small and medium-sized enterprises, non-governmental organisations, academia, social partners, public authorities, and other public and private organisations and citizens from EU Member States and associated countries.
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