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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue

Top News

President von der Leyen welcomes Taoiseach Simon Harris to Brussels

President von der Leyen met today (Thursday) with Taoiseach Simon Harris TD in Brussels. Following the meeting, the President said: "I’m glad to count on Ireland in our unwavering support to Ukraine and our efforts to help restore stability in the Middle-East. I'm glad also to see you so committed to Europe’s future competitiveness". During his visit to Brussels, the Taoiseach also met with the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola.


The Pact on Migration and Asylum becomes a reality

The European Commission has welcomed the result of this week’s vote in the European Parliament, endorsing the political agreement on the Pact on Migration and Asylum. President von der Leyen said the Pact will make "a real difference for all Europeans. First, more secure European borders. Knowing exactly who crosses our borders, by registering and screening everyone, while ensuring the protection of fundamental rights through an independent monitoring. Second, faster, more efficient procedures for asylum and return. This means that those with no right to asylum will not be allowed to enter in the European Union, while those escaping war or persecution can count on the protection they need. The Pact strikes the right balance between stricter rules against the abuse of the system, and care for the most vulnerable. And third, more solidarity with the Member States at our external borders. Because they manage the pressure from illegal migration."

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PEACEPLUS Investment Boost for Cross-Border Rail

Cross-border intercity rail services between Belfast and Dublin are set to benefit from a €165 million investment from the PEACEPLUS Programme. The funding will support a major programme to transform the cross-border “Enterprise” train service, paving the way for an hourly timetable between Belfast and Dublin by the end of this decade. PEACEPLUS is a cross-border funding programme supported by the European Union, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Ireland and the Northern Ireland Executive.

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Unlocking new EU opportunities for Cork

Commissioner Mairead McGuinness, the Lord Mayor of Cork City Kieran McCarthy and the Mayor of the County of Cork, Frank O’Flynn took part in an event in Cork City Hall earlier this week that looked at what European co-operation means on the ground for Cork and discussed the future EU opportunities for the region and its people. Other speakers at the event, which was co-organised by the Commission Representation with support from European Movement Ireland, included David Kelly, Director of the Southern Regional Assembly, Donal Sheehan of the BRIDE Project and Dr Ruth Freeman, Director of Science for Society at Science Foundation Ireland. Commissioner McGuinness said the event was "an opportunity to showcase the EU’s support for sustainable economic growth in Cork and highlight where the EU and Cork are working successfully together towards shared goals across a variety of sectors".

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See also Speech by Commissioner McGuinness at eve...

UCD student wins European Commission Award for Journalism Relating to European Affairs

University College Dublin student Joshua McCormack was awarded the European Commission Award for Journalism Relating to European Affairs at the 2024 National Student Media Awards which took place last night in Dublin’s Mansion House. This award is given to the student who has written and published the best article relating to EU affairs. The winner of this category receives an award, a €1,000 prize donated by the Representation and will have their article published in either a regional or online publication.

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Other news

March 2024 warmer than any other March on record.

March 2024 was warmer globally than any previous March according to a new report from the Copernicus Climate Change service. The data shows that the month was 0.73°C above the 1991-2020 average and 0.10°C above the last record March, in 2016. This is the tenth month in a row that is the warmest on record for the respective month of the year. The global-average temperature for the past twelve months (April 2023 – March 2024) is the highest on record, at 0.70°C above the 1991-2020 average and 1.58°C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average.

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New EU Life project helps remote homeowners in the north-west of Ireland to retrofit their houses

Rising climate impacts threaten Ireland’s water, energy sources and infrastructure, notably in communities in remote areas. The EU-funded LIFE LEAP (Local Energy Agencies for Peripheral Regions) project is supporting homeowners in Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim and west county Galway to retrofit their homes and to create partnerships with local suppliers. The project is led by Atlantic Technological University (ATU), with as partners the county councils of Sligo, Leitrim, and Donegal, Údarás na Gaeltachta, and Aran Island Energy Co-op. It has been allocated almost €1.7 million in EU Life funding and will run until the end of April 2026

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EU institutions commit to boosting cycling across Europe

The EU has taken another important step in reducing transport emissions by adopting the European Declaration on Cycling which was signed last week in Brussels. The declaration recognises cycling as a sustainable, accessible, and affordable means of transport, with strong added value for the EU economy. It includes clear commitments, such as safe and coherent cycling networks in cities, better links with public transport and secure parking spaces and access to recharging points for e-bikes. These commitments shall be taken at EU, national regional and local level.

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Interoperable Europe Act enters into force for better connected public services for people and businesses

The Interoperable Europe Act, which entered into force this week, will facilitate cross-border data exchange and accelerate the digital transformation of the public sector. Citizens, businesses, and public administrations will benefit most from the new regulation when using interconnected digital public services that require cross-border exchange of data. Examples of such services include mutual recognition of academic diplomas or professional qualifications, exchanges of vehicle data for road safety, access to social security and health data, the exchange of information related to taxation, customs, public tender accreditation, digital driving licenses, commercial registers.
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Commission paves way for safe integration of ‘air taxis' and other innovative drone uses

The European Commission this week adopted a set of measures to address the unique safety challenges of new emerging air mobility concepts and services and ensure that their operations will be as safe as those in manned aviation. The package targets two emerging areas in aviation: manned aircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing (often referred to as manned VTOL or piloted air taxis, which are small commercial aircrafts making short flights on demand), as well as higher-risk (so-called 'specific category') unmanned drone operations. The aim is to unify and streamline the regulatory landscape across Member States, improving oversight and operational safety standards.

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Commission decides to register European Citizens' Initiative calling for EU financial support on safe and accessible abortion

The European Commission decided this week to register a European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) entitled ‘My Voice, My Choice: For Safe And Accessible Abortion'. The organisers of the initiative call on the Commission to submit a proposal for financial support to Member States for enabling safe termination of pregnancies for anyone in Europe who lacks access to safe and legal abortion. The initiative does not concern the granting of a right to abortion at EU level.
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Commission publishes Recommendation on Post-Quantum Cryptography

The European Commission this week published a Recommendation on Post-Quantum Cryptography to encourage Member States to develop and implement a harmonised approach as the EU transitions to post-quantum cryptography. This will help to ensure that the EU's digital infrastructures and services are secure in the next digital era. While quantum technologies will bring many economic and societal benefits, advances in quantum computing are expected to make it easier for malicious actors to access sensitive data, unless we advance our cryptography.
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Commission takes stock of the Clean Transition Dialogues with EU industry and social partners

The European Green Deal aims to transform Europe into a clean, resource-efficient and competitive economy. To ensure its smooth implementation, the European Commission launched a series of Clean Transition Dialogues with key industrial sectors. In a Communication adopted this week, the Commission took stock of the Dialogues. The Communication concludes that European industry and social partners are committed to delivering the European Green Deal and to ensuring that it creates good jobs, economic growth and social fairness
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Vice-President Jourová hosts signing ceremony of the Code of Conduct for the 2024 European Parliament Elections

Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová this week hosted a signing ceremony for the Code of Conduct for the 2024 European Parliament Elections. With their signature, European political parties committed to upholding ethical and fair campaign practices. Vice-President Jourová said: "Elections should set the stage for the competition of ideas, not dirty manipulative methods such as AI deepfakes. I congratulate the parties on their decision to go an extra-mile in their commitment to fair campaigning".

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Decoding the EU’s most threatening criminal networks: new Europol report

A new report from Europol, the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, delves into the inner workings of the criminal networks that pose the highest threat to the EU’s security. The report, which features a Europe-wide analysis from the perspective of law enforcement, is a first of its kind. It describes, in detail, how the most threatening criminal networks are organised, which criminal activities they engage in, and how and where they operate.
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Commission proposes further €500 million in Macro-Financial Assistance to Jordan

The European Commission this week adopted a proposal for a new Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) operation to Jordan worth up to €500 million. This financial support is an important demonstration of the EU's partnership and solidarity with Jordan. The proposed financial assistance aims to help Jordan cover part of its external financing needs, support the fiscal consolidation effort and support structural reform efforts, so that Jordan's ambitious reform agenda can continue, promoting jobs, growth and investment. The new operation builds on the three previous MFA programmes through which the EU has disbursed a total of €1.08 billion to Jordan since 2013.
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Statistic of the week

Almost 3.4 million people in Ireland eligible to vote in the European Elections: Eurostat

New figures from Eurostat show that a little over 3.37 million people in Ireland are eligible to vote in the upcoming European Elections on Friday 7 June. EU citizens resident in Ireland can vote and stand for election here while Irish citizens resident in other EU Member States can do the same. According to Eurostat, the highest numbers of eligible voters are in Germany (64.9 million ), France (49.7 million) and Italy (47 million) while the lowest numbers are in Malta (0.4 million), Luxembourg (0.5 million) and Cyprus (0.7 million).

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Thursday 11 April to Thursday 30 May: EUNIC European Film Club 2024

EUNIC Ireland in partnership with Dublin City Libraries presents EUNIC European Film Club 2024, a series of free screenings of European feature films in four library branches across the city and in the Goethe-Institut, Instituto Cervantes, Istituto Italiano di Cultura and Alliance Française. A total of 20 screenings will take place across April and May, showcasing films from the following 10 EU countries: Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal and Spain. The first screening will take place in Terenure Library on Thursday 11 April with the final screening taking place in Instituto Cervantes on Thursday 30 May. Each screening will be aimed at an adult audience and will be in the original language with English subtitles.

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Friday 12 April: Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Luxembourg

On the agenda: the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF); the state of play of the economic and financial impact of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine; and, the EU’s mandate for the G20 finance ministers’ and central bank governors’ meeting of 18 April 2024.
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Friday 12 to Friday 19 April: European Youth Week

European Youth Week takes place this year from 12 to 19 April, 2 months ahead of the European elections scheduled to be held on 6 to 9 June 2024. This means that democracy and European elections will both be in the center of the debate. For details taking place in Ireland and around Europe, check out the interactive map below.
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Monday 15 April: Workshop on Automated Translation and Sustainability, Dublin

The European Commission and Dublin City University are holding a Translating Europe Workshop hosting a Translating Europe Workshop on Monday morning, 15 April. The workshop will examine the variety of novel implementations of automation in translation and their effects on stakeholders in the translation process, particularly in relation to the economic and social sustainability of the translation business and profession in addition to ecological sustainability. Speakers will include academic experts as well as the Head of eTranslation and AI language services in the European Commission.
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Monday 15 April: Democracy Erodes from the Top: Misperceptions about the Populist Challenge (IIEA event)

On Monday afternoon 15 April, Professor Larry M. Bartels, Professor of Political Science at Law at the Vanderbilt University, will address an IIEA event on "Democracy Erodes from the Top: Misperceptions about the Populist Challenge". In his address, he will discuss his new book Democracy Erodes from the Top: Leaders, Citizens and the Challenge of Populism in Europe. Professor Bartels challenges the narrative of a populist “wave” in contemporary European public opinion. He argues that electoral support for right-wing populist parties has increased only modestly, driven by populist entrepreneurs, the failures of mainstream parties, and media hype.

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Tuesday 16 April: Maintaining competitiveness while advancing the net-zero transition (IIEA event)

On Tuesday afternoon 16 April, the IIEA will host an online round table discussion with Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director-General at European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy and Jacob Werksman, Principal Adviser to the European Commission for Climate Action. The discussion will touch on issues such as the ongoing update of the national energy and climate plans (NECPs), the Commission’s analysis and recommendation for the EU’s 2040 emissions reduction target, published on 6 February, and the first-ever European Climate Risk Assessment published on 11 March.

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Tuesday 16 April: EU Road Safety Conference 2024, RDS, Dublin

The EU Road Safety Conference takes place at the RDS in Dublin on 16 April 2024. The conference is an opportunity to engage with EU Member State authorities and all stakeholders on the progress being made with implementing the Safe System approach and with achieving the goal of halving road deaths by 2030. In particular, it will allow participants to assess the state of play of road safety in the EU as we approach the mid-point of the EU Road Safety Policy Framework. It will also offer a forum for analysis and exchange between senior EU policy makers and the wider European road safety community. Speakers include: Magda Kopczyńska, Director-General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission. Jack Chambers, Minister of State for Transport, and Georges Gilkinet, Belgian Minister for Transport.

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Tuesday 16 April: Workshops: Become a Social Media Champion for the European Elections, Europe House, Dublin 2

The European Parliament Liaison Office is hosting an online workshop on how to become a social media champion for the European Elections on Tuesday 16 April from 7 to 9 pm. The training will provide both practical skills and access to creative tools and assets to mobilise your network to get out and vote in June. The workshop will also cover tips for dealing with misinformation, or other online threats.
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Tuesday 16 April: Sailing on the High Seas: Reforming and Enlarging the EU for the 21st Century (IIEA event)

On Tuesday lunchtime 16 April, Nicolai von Ondarza, Head of the EU/Europe Research Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and Pervenche Berès, Board Member of Fondation Jean Jaurès, and former Member of the European Parliament for France (1994-2019), will address an IIEA event on the recently published Report of the Franco-German Working Group on EU Institutional Reform. The Report’s recommendations centre on three goals: strengthening the rule of law and the EU’s democratic legitimacy, increasing the EU’s capacity to act, and getting the EU ready for enlargement.

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Tuesday 16 to Thursday 18 April: European Election Information Stands

European Movement Ireland are travelling around the country and bringing their ‘Can Vote, Will Vote’ Information Stands to Third-level Institutions. The next events are taking place as follows: Tuesday 16 April - TU Dublin, Blanchardstown; Tuesday 18 April - SETU Waterford. EMI staff members will be on hand to provide information on the upcoming European Elections, and answer questions on how to vote, who’s running, and what is it all about?
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Wednesday 17 April: Webinars on the Head Office Tax System (HOT) for SMEs

The European Commission adopted, last September, a proposal for a Head Office Taxation System that allows SMEs operating cross-border through permanent establishments the option to interact with only one tax administration – that of its Head Office. Compliance with business taxation rules can be complex. If SMEs wish to operate cross-border, they become taxable in more than one Member State as soon as their activity abroad creates a permanent establishment, which requires compliance with different tax systems and rules. On Wednesday morning 17 April the Commission will host a webinar comprising a presentation of the new proposal and a Q and A session. The webinar will be live-streamed.
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Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 April: Special European Council, Brussels

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Thursday 18 April: European Economic Security in a World of Interdependence (IIEA event)

On Thursday lunchtime 18 April Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Director of Bruegel, will address an online IIEA event on the theme: "European Economic Security in a World of Interdependence". The lecture will look at what has been achieved in terms of economic security, where are the blind spots, and how can the chances of unintended consequences be minimised.

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Thursday 18 and Friday 19 April: Digital Ireland Conference, Dublin Castle

The Digital Ireland Conference is a high-level, one-day event on 18 April in Dublin Castle, that brings together government, industry, and academia to exchange views on digital developments in the EU and globally. Minister of State for Company Regulation, Digital and Trade Promotion, Dara Calleary TD, will be joined by senior tech figures, EU and global political leaders, and innovators to exchange views on digital technologies and how they are shaping business and society. A keynote address will be delivered by Mr Roberto Viola, Director General of the European Commission Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology.
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Friday 19 April: European Parliament 2024 Election - SETU Hustings Event, Waterford

The South East Technological University (SETU) is hosting an Ireland South European Parliament candidates’ hustings event on Friday 19 April at 11.15 am on the Cork Road campus of SETU. Speakers include Billy Kelleher MEP, Grace O’Sullivan MEP and Professor Niamh Hourigan with more to be confirmed. This event is open to students and staff of SETU, as well as to the wider public. It is being organised by Gerry Arthurs, Lecturer in International Relations and Politics, SETU, and member of the Team Europe Direct speakers network in Ireland.

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Monday 22 April: Foreign Affairs Council, Luxembourg

Information on this event will be available at the link below.
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Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 April: 2024 Technical Support Instrument Conference, Brussels

The 2024 Technical Support Instrument Annual Conference: “Reforms with an impact: together we are stronger!”, hosted by the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira and DG REFORM takes place in Brussels on 24 and 25 April. It will bring together high-level inspirational speakers and panelists from the EU Member States, the EU institutions, fellow international organizations and academia to discuss how the EU supports the Member States reform process and how best to continue supporting them in the future. The Conference will be open to the public upon registration, in situ in Brussels, and on-line, via a hybrid teleconference platform, allowing for Q&A and polling features.
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Thursday 25 April: EU for Westmeath & Midlands, Unlocking opportunities for Westmeath and the Midlands, Mullingar

The European Commission Representation in Ireland is organising an in-person event, 'EU for Westmeath and Midlands - Unlocking opportunities for Westmeath and the Midlands' with Minister Peter Burke, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment. This event will be hosted with the support of European Movement Ireland. Speakers include: Emma Murtagh, Senior EU Programmes Manager, The Wheel; Bernie Leavy, Project Officer, LEADER Westmeath; and Michael Ward, Mullingar Employment Action Group. Barbara Nolan, Head of the European Commission Representation in Ireland, will moderate the event.
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Thursday 9 May: The Gathering (Léargas event)

Léargas will celebrate Europe Day this year with a virtual cross-sectoral event, The Gathering 2024. The event will provide participants with insights into Erasmus+, ESC and other EU initiatives They will also hear about inspiring projects and partake in a Q&A about funding opportunities. This event is of interest to organisations or individuals working in education, training, sport, community and youth sectors.

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Calls for Tender/Proposals

PEACEPLUS Funding Calls Open for Applications

PEACEPLUS is a funding programme designed to support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland. Managed by the Special EU Programmes Body, applications are currently open a variety of Investment Areas.
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Léargas Launches Microgrant Scheme

As part of European Youth Week 2024, Léargas is launching a Microgrant Scheme to welcome newcomers to European funding and increase awareness about the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programmes. The scheme will offer €5,000 grants to non-profit organisations working with young people (ages 13–30) such as youth organisations, secondary schools, community centres, community development, clubs, etc. Applications will open on 12 April and close on 19 April. The grant will fund projects taking place between June – September 2024.

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Eurodesk Ireland’s creative Art Competition ‘Your Values in Your Hand’

To celebrate European Youth Week 2024, Eurodesk Ireland is inviting young people to participate in an art competition on the theme "Core Values that are important to you". Entrants should draw or digitally create an A4 poster that captures Your Hand and what value(s) are important to you and that you want to see represented in Europe and at the European Parliament. There will be three national winners selected for each age range: 13–15; 16–18; and 19–30. National winners will get One4All vouchers.
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