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European Commission in Ireland

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In this issue

Message to subscribers


Message from Barbara Nolan, Head of Representation

We would like to wish all of our subscribers a happy and relaxing Easter break. Please note that the next newsletter will issue on Thursday, 11 April.

Top News

Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič visits Dublin

EU Commissioner for Crisis management Janez Lenarčič was in Dublin today (Thursday) for the presentation of the results of the ‘Futureproof-IE' report together with the Tánaiste Micheál Martin. The report focuses on Ireland's implementation of the EU Disaster Resilience Goals. Its main goal is to help Ireland's risk assessment methodology to better assess emergent risks. The Commissioner also discussed global humanitarian issues with the Tánaiste including the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. He also had meetings with the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O'Brien, and with stakeholders from Irish humanitarian NGOs.

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EU leaders call for immediate humanitarian pause in Gaza

At last weekend's European Council, EU leaders discussed the critical humanitarian situation in the Middle East. They expressed their deep concern at the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza and its disproportionate effect on children, as well as the imminent risk of famine caused by the insufficient entry of aid. They called for an immediate humanitarian pause leading to a sustainable ceasefire, the unconditional release of all hostages and immediate measures to prevent further population displacement and provide safe shelter to the population.

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Commission rolls out plans for a European degree

The European Commission this week presented proposals for a European degree that would be automatically recognised throughout the EU. It would be awarded jointly and on a voluntary basis by a group of universities across Europe and would be based on a common set of criteria agreed at a European level. The Commission also put forward proposals to improve quality assurance processes and automatic recognition of qualifications in higher education and to make academic careers more attractive and sustainable.

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See also Pleananna curtha i bhfeidhm ag an gCoimi...

Other news

Ireland submits request to add a €240 million REPowerEU chapter to its recovery and resilience plan

Ireland this week submitted a request to the European Commission to add a REPowerEU chapter to its Recovery and Resilience plan. Ireland has also requested to transfer part of its share of the Brexit Adjustment Reserve, amounting to €150 million, to the Plan. Together with Ireland's REPowerEU grants allocation (€90 million), these funds make the total REPowerEU chapter worth €240 million in grants and the EU contribution to Ireland´s recovery plan worth €1.15 billion.

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Commission publishes guidelines under the DSA for the mitigation of systemic risks online for elections

The European Commission has published guidelines on recommended measures to Very Large Online Platforms and Search Engines to mitigate online systemic risks that may impact the integrity of elections, with specific guidance for the upcoming European Parliament elections in June. Under the Digital Services Act (DSA), designated services with more than 45 million active users in the EU have the obligation to mitigate the risks related to electoral processes, while safeguarding fundamental rights, including the right to freedom of expression.
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Good progress made on long-term vision for EU rural areas according to new report

The European Commission this week published a report outlining the good progress made so far under the EU's long-term rural vision, highlighting positive outcomes delivered since 2021 and presenting ideas for future work. Key achievements of the long-term vision to date include: launching a rural revitalisation platform for areas facing demographic and economic challenges; starting 60 rural research and innovation projects with a budget of €253 million contributing directly to rural areas; and, launching the Rural Toolkit to ease access to EU funding for rural areas and optimal combination to EU funding for rural areas.

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See also Leagtar béim sa tuarascáil ar an dul c...

Commission proposes increased tariffs on Russian and Belarusian grain products

The European Commission has proposed to increase the tariffs on imports into the EU of cereals, oilseeds, and derived products (‘grain products') from Russia and Belarus, including wheat, maize, and sunflower meal. Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis said: "Our proposed prohibitive tariffs will make imports of these products commercially unviable, thereby also preventing possible future surges that could destabilise the EU food market. It will also help put a stop to the Russian practice of illegally exporting stolen Ukrainian grain into the EU".
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New EU rules to empower consumers for green transition enter into force

The new EU Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition entered into force this week. This means that before purchasing a product consumers will get better and more harmonised information on its durability and reparability. In addition, companies will no longer be able to state that they are ‘green’ or ‘environmentally friendly’ if they cannot demonstrate that they truly are. The Directive will apply from 27 September 2026.

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Irish cleaning company awarded EU Ecolabel

Cleaning service provider Derrycourt Cleaning Specialists has become the first Irish company to have its Indoor Cleaning Services awarded an EU Ecolabel. Derrycourt’s road to sustainability began when they prioritised the use of sustainable cleaning products compliant with strict EU Ecolabel criteria. Over a 2-year period, the premises of around 600 clients switched to being cleaned with EU Ecolabel products which now account for over over 80% of detergents used. The EU Ecolabel can be awarded to routine professional cleaning services performed indoors in commercial, institutional and other publicly accessible buildings and private residences, but it excludes disinfection activities.

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EU and Republic of Korea reaffirm their partnership for an inclusive and resilient digital transformation

At their second Digital Partnership Council, which took place this week in Brussels, the EU and the Republic of Korea reaffirmed their commitment to cooperate in key digital technologies for the benefit of citizens and economies. They took stock of the progress achieved since the first digital partnership council and agreed to continue cooperation on semiconductors, 5G and beyond, quantum technology, platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), as well as cybersecurity. To facilitate the implementation of joint projects, the Commission and the Republic of Korea concluded the negotiations for associating the country to Horizon Europe, the EU's funding programme for research and innovation.

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Commission opens investigation into possible anticompetitive conduct by Zoetis over novel pain medicine for dogs

The European Commission has opened a formal antitrust investigation to assess whether animal health company Zoetis may have breached EU competition rules by preventing the market launch of a competing novel biologic medicine used to treat chronic pain in dogs. Zoetis is a global animal health company headquartered in the US. Zoetis' Librela is the first and only monoclonal antibody medicine approved in Europe to treat pain associated with osteoarthritis in dogs.
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Statistic of the week

85% of Irish people satisfied with the quality of life in their region: Eurobarometer

85% of Irish people judge the quality of life in their region to be rather or very good, just above the EU average of 82%, according to a new Eurobarometer survey on public opinion in EU regions. However, this figure was down by an average of just over 6 percentage points since 2021 in all 3 Irish regions (Northern and Western, Southern, Eastern and Midlands). People living in Finland (96-100%), Austria (92-98%) and Luxembourg (95%) were the most likely to say that the quality of life in their region is rather or very good. The survey also showed that 76% of Irish respondents say that they are rather or very likely to vote in the upcoming European elections with the share rising to 80% in the Southern region.

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Hourly labour costs in the EU in 2023 ranged from €9 to €54: Eurostat

Average hourly labour costs were estimated to be €31.8 in the EU and €35.6 in the euro area in 2023 according to Eurostat. The figures show that the highest hourly labour costs in 2023 were in Luxembourg (€53.9), Denmark (€48.1) and Belgium (€47.1) while the lowest were in Bulgaria (€9.3), Romania (€11.0) and Hungary (€12.8). Average hourly labour costs in Ireland in 2023 amounted to €40.2, up from €38 in 2022. Labour costs include wages and salaries and non-wage costs such as employers' PRSI.

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Tuesday 2 April: A Panoramic View of Pan-European Politics (IIEA event)

In his address to this online IIEA event, Damian Boeselager MEP will discuss the prospects of Pan-European Politics in a year of elections around the world, with a particular focus on his experience in his first term as a Member of the European Parliament. Mr Boeselager will discuss his perspectives on EU Enlargement, the rising popularity of far-right political parties in some member states, and questions regarding defending the rule of law as some of the key issues ahead of the 2024 European Parliament Elections.

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Monday 8 April: Policy and European Economic Convergence: the cases of Ireland and Poland (Dublin)

On Monday afternoon 8 April, the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School will host a lecture on "Policy and European Economic Convergence: the Cases of Ireland and Poland". Speakers at this event will include: Professor Frank Barry and Professor Marcin Piątkowski. The event will be chaired by Associate Professor Dorota Piaskowska. Professor Marcin Piątkowski, Lead Economist at the World Bank, will focus on the story of Poland's remarkable economic development over the past 30 years and the future: the opportunities and challenges.
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Tuesday 9 to Thursday 18 April: European Election Information Stands

European Movement Ireland are travelling around the country and bringing their ‘Can Vote, Will Vote’ Information Stands to Third-level Institutions. These events are taking place as follows: Tuesday 9 April - MTU, Bishopstown, Cork; Tuesday 16 April - TU Dublin, Blanchardstown; Tuesday 18 April - SETU Waterford. EMI staff members will be on hand to provide information on the upcoming European Elections, and answer questions on how to vote, who’s running, and what is it all about?
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Tuesday 9 April: European Capital of Innovation Awards (iCapital) - Online Information Session

On Tuesday morning 9 April, the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) is organising an informative webinar to learn more about the 10th edition of the European Capital of Innovation Awards (iCapital). Applications are open and the deadline for submissions is 18 June 2024. Participants will learn about 'The European Rising Innovative City' that targets towns and cities with a population of more than 50,000 and less than 250,000 inhabitants, and 'The European Capital of Innovation' category open for cities with more than 250,000 inhabitants.

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Wednesday 10 April: Media Freedom and Pluralism in Europe: Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities (IIEA event)

On Wednesday lunchtime 10 April, Renate Schroeder, Director of the European Federation of Journalists, will address an online IIEA event on "Media Freedom and Pluralism in Europe: Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities". In her address, Ms Schroeder will discuss developments in media freedom and pluralism over Europe in recent years, including some examples of unprecedented attacks against media freedom and pluralism that threaten democracy. She will assess the lessons that can be learnt by the media sector, civil society, policymakers, and other stakeholders in this regard.

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Wednesday 10 to Thursday 11 April: European Parliament plenary session, Brussels

Daily agendas for this plenary session can be found at the link below.
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Thursday 11 April: Eurogroup, Luxembourg

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Friday 12 April: Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Luxembourg

Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.
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Thursday 11 April: Culture Moves Europe Individual Artists and Residency Hosts webinar

On Thursday morning 11 April, Creative Europe Ireland will host a webinar on the Culture Moves Europe Mobility Award for Creatives and on Residency Hosts funding. The webinar will showcase successful Irish case studies for both individual artists and residency hosts funded by Culture Moves Europe.

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Monday 15 April: Workshop on Automated Translation and Sustainability, Dublin

The European Commission and Dublin City University are holding a Translating Europe Workshop hosting a Translating Europe Workshop on Monday morning, 15 April. The workshop will examine the variety of novel implementations of automation in translation and their effects on stakeholders in the translation process, particularly in relation to the economic and social sustainability of the translation business and profession in addition to ecological sustainability. Speakers will include academic experts as well as the Head of eTranslation and AI language services in the European Commission.
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Monday 15 April: Democracy Erodes from the Top: Misperceptions about the Populist Challenge (IIEA event)

On Monday afternoon 15 April, Professor Larry M. Bartels, Professor of Political Science at Law at the Vanderbilt University, will address an IIEA event on "Democracy Erodes from the Top: Misperceptions about the Populist Challenge". In his address, he will discuss his new book Democracy Erodes from the Top: Leaders, Citizens and the Challenge of Populism in Europe. Professor Bartels challenges the narrative of a populist “wave” in contemporary European public opinion. He argues that electoral support for right-wing populist parties has increased only modestly, driven by populist entrepreneurs, the failures of mainstream parties, and media hype.

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Tuesday 16 April: EU Road Safety Conference 2024, RDS, Dublin

The EU Road Safety Conference takes place at the RSE in Dublin on 16 April 2024. The conference is an opportunity to engage with EU Member State authorities and all stakeholders on the progress being made with implementing the Safe System approach and with achieving the goal of halving road deaths by 2030. In particular, it will allow participants to assess the state of play of road safety in the EU as we approach the mid-point of the EU Road Safety Policy Framework. It will also offer a forum for analysis and exchange between senior EU policy makers and the wider European road safety community. Speakers include: Magda Kopczyńska, Director-General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission. Jack Chambers, Minister of State for Transport, and Georges Gilkinet, Belgian Minister for Transport.

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Wednesday 17 April: Webinars on the Head Office Tax System (HOT) for SMEs

The European Commission adopted, last September, a proposal for a Head Office Taxation System that allows SMEs operating cross-border through permanent establishments the option to interact with only one tax administration – that of its Head Office. Compliance with business taxation rules can be complex. If SMEs wish to operate cross-border, they become taxable in more than one Member State as soon as their activity abroad creates a permanent establishment, which requires compliance with different tax systems and rules. On Wednesday morning 17 April the Commission will host a webinar comprising a presentation of the new proposal and a Q and A session. The webinar will be live-streamed.
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Friday 19 April: European Parliament 2024 Election - SETU Hustings Event, Waterford

The South East Technological University (SETU) is hosting an Ireland South European Parliament candidates’ hustings event on Friday 19 April at 11.15 am on the Cork Road campus of SETU. Speakers include Billy Kelleher MEP, Grace O’Sullivan MEP and Professor Niamh Hourigan with more to be confirmed. This event is open to students and staff of SETU, as well as to the wider public. It is being organised by Gerry Arthurs, Lecturer in International Relations and Politics, SETU, and member of the Team Europe Direct speakers network in Ireland.

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Calls for Tender/Proposals

Women TechEU project – First Open Call

The aim of Women Tech EU is to support women founders and entrepreneurs leading deep tech start-ups from Europe to grow into tomorrow’s tech leaders and to put women at the forefront of deep tech in Europe. The first open call runs from 18 March 2024 until 20 May 2024 and will select and empower 40 women-led deep tech early-stage start-ups that will contribute to the green, digital and social transition in line with the European objectives. it is open to women entrepreneurs from all over the European Union and Horizon Europe associated countries.
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Job opportunities


Competition for Administrators in the field of nuclear energy re-opened

The competition for administrators in the field of nuclear energy has just been re-opened. Starting from 2024, the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is reinforcing its commitment to multilingualism by implementing a full 24-language regime in open competitions. This change aims to enable candidates to freely select any two of the 24 official EU languages for testing. The competition is being re-opened to take those adjustments into account. This applies to both existing candidates and new candidates interested in applying.
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