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European Court of Justice publishes Annual Report for 2023

The European Court of Justice has just published its Annual Report 2023 | The Year in Review. The Year in Review, available online, is the main publication covering the activity of the institution and the case-law of its two courts throughout the past year. It provides a synthesis of the judicial, institutional and administrative activity of the Court of Justice and of the General Court.

Commission endorses Ireland's revised recovery and resilience plan, and preliminarily endorses its first payment request of €324 million

The European Commission this week gave a positive assessment of Ireland's modified recovery and resilience plan (RRP), which includes a REPowerEU chapter. The plan is now worth €1.15 billion (in grants) and covers 11 reforms and 19 investments. The Commission has simultaneously endorsed a positive preliminary assessment of Ireland's first payment request for €324 million under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The payment request covers important steps in the delivery of nine reforms and ten investments that will drive positive change for citizens and businesses in Ireland in the areas of energy efficiency of public buildings, sustainable transport, rehabilitation of peatlands, carbon taxation, supporting digitalisation in schools and business, skills (including green and digital skills), healthcare and anti-money laundering.

Commission welcomes new sanctions against disinformation and war propaganda

The European Commission has welcomed the Council of the EU's decision to suspend the broadcasting activities of four more media outlets (Voice of Europe, RIA Novosti, Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta) in the EU or directed at the EU, in view of their role supporting and justifying Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Russia has engaged in continuous and concerted propaganda as well as information manipulation actions targeted at civil society in the EU and neighbouring countries, gravely distorting and manipulating facts. These propaganda actions have been channelled through a number of media outlets under the permanent direct or indirect control of the leadership of the Russian Federation.

Commission compels Microsoft to provide information under the Digital Services Act on generative AI risks on Bing

The European Commission is stepping up its enforcement actions against Microsoft following the latter's failure to provide an answer to a Commission request for information regarding specific risks stemming from Bing's generative AI features. The Commission has now sent a legally binding request for internal documents and data that were not disclosed in its previous response. The request is based on the suspicion that Bing may have breached the DSA for risks linked to generative AI, such as so-called ‘hallucinations', the viral dissemination of deepfakes, as well as the automated manipulation of services that can mislead voters.

New Environmental Crime Directive comes into force

The new Environmental Crime Directive entered into force on Monday, 20 May. It contains a comprehensive and up-to-date list of environmental offences addressing the most serious breaches of environmental obligations. EU Member States will have to ensure that these breaches constitute criminal offences in their national law. The new directive also introduces several new offence categories, such as unlawful ship recycling, unlawful water abstraction, serious breaches of EU chemicals and mercury legislation, serious breaches related to dealing with fluorinated greenhouse gases, and serious breaches of legislation on invasive alien species.

New Regulation on waste shipments enters into force

New rules to ensure the EU takes greater responsibility for its waste entered into force last Monday, 20 May 2024. The new Waste Shipments Regulation sets out stricter rules on the export of waste to non-EU countries. The Regulation will also increase traceability and facilitate the shipments of waste for recycling in the EU and beyond.

New EU rules criminalising the violation of EU sanctions enter into force

New EU rules harmonising criminal offences and penalties for the violation of EU restrictive measures entered into force last Sunday, 19 May. The new rules will ensure that such violations can be criminally investigated and prosecuted in all Member States. They include a list of criminal offences related to the violation and circumvention of EU sanctions, such as for example: failing to freeze assets; breaching travel bans and arms embargoes; providing prohibited or restricted economic and financial services, transferring funds that should be frozen to a third party or providing false information to conceal funds that should be frozen.

Public Consultation on Technical Support Instrument – mid-term evaluation

The European Commission's Directorate General for Structural Reform Support has an ongoing Open Public Consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) for the period 2021-2023. The targeted consultations aims to collect the specialist views of the different categories of stakeholders involved in designing and implementing TSI actions, such as the beneficiary authorities of EU countries, the coordinating authorities of EU countries, technical support providers, REFORM staff and representatives of other Commission services. The consultation is open until 10 June 2024.

Friday 31 May: A Changing Europe in a Changing World (IIEA hybrid event)

In his address to the IIEA, former President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, will discuss current global developments and how these relate to the European challenges of our time. In Mr Van Rompuy’s opinion, these challenges include democracy, leadership, strategic autonomy, deindustrialisation, immigration, and potential institutional changes. In his remarks, he will also discuss growing individualisation within the European Union and how this affects our societies and politics.

Wednesday 29 May: What is the Future of EU-China Relations? (IIEA hybrid event)

Against the backdrop of increased geopolitical tensions, the relationship between the EU, its Member States, and China has continued to remain of significant importance. As the United States' relationship with China has deteriorated, the EU has increasingly sought to chart its own course vis a vis China, seeking partnerships where beneficial while ensuring its own interests are looked after. In this IIEA discussion, Finbarr Bermingham, Senior Europe Correspondent for the Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post, will reflect on the present state of the EU's relationship with China, its challenges and opportunities, and will explore what the future holds for the EU-China Relationship.

Tuesday 28 May: European Economic Area Council, Brussels

The 58th meeting of the European Economic Area ('EEA') Council will take place in Brussels on 28 May. The EEA Council will discuss the overall functioning of the EEA Agreement and hold an orientation debate on 'The role of the green transition in Europe’s competitiveness: challenges and opportunities'.

Thursday 30 May: Foreign Affairs Council (Trade), Brussels

The Foreign Affairs Council, in its Trade configuration, will take place in Brussels. Ministers will discuss trade and competitiveness and the future of EU trade policy, the state of play of trade and investment relations between the EU and Africa, and the follow up to the 13th World Trade Organisation Ministerial Conference (MC13).

Tuesday 28 May: Foreign Affairs Council (Defence), Brussels

The Foreign Affairs Council in its defence configuration will meet on 28 May and will be chaired by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. The main discussion items will be EU support to Ukraine and defence readiness. Under current affairs, Defence Ministers will touch on CSDP engagements and the PESCO strategic review. The meeting will be preceded by the European Defence Agency Steering Board.

Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 May: Foreign Affairs Council, Brussels

The Foreign Affairs Council will take place over two days and be chaired by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. On 27 May EU Foreign Affairs Ministers will discuss the Russian aggression against Ukraine, after an informal exchange of views with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba, via videoconference. EU Foreign Affairs Ministers will then have a discussion on the situation in the Middle East. Under current affairs the Council will be able to exchange views on recent events and fast-moving developments in external relations. The Council meeting will be followed by the “Supporting the future of Syria and the region” conference.

Thursday 13 June: Monthly EU basics webinars

The European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland is hosting a one-hour webinar on EU basics from 12 noon to 1pm on Thursday 13 June. The webinar will offer an introduction into how the European Union works and what role it plays in our lives. Each webinar will start with a presentation followed by a Q&A for participants. There is no prior knowledge required. The topics covered range from the EU’s law making process, to areas where the EU makes rules and where it does not, to how half a century of EU membership have influenced Ireland. Anyone interested to participate can register via the links below.

Thursday 30 May to Monday 3 June: Visit the European Commission garden at Bloom 2024

We are delighted to announce that, for the first time ever, the European Commission Representation in Ireland will be at the Bord Bia Bloom Festival in Dublin's Phoenix Park. We've teamed up with award-winning designers Liat and Oliver Schurmann to create a spectacular sustainable garden inspired by the European Green Deal. Click on the link below for a sneak preview of the European Commission garden.

Thursday 30 May: EU Election Town Hall - Ireland Dublin Constituency, Dublin

On Thursday evening 30 May, European Movement Ireland and the European Parliament Liaison Office are hosting an in-person event, ‘EU Election Town Hall – Ireland Dublin Constituency.’ Moderated by Journalist, Author and Broadcaster Flor MacCarthy, this event will see journalists and academics discuss topics such as the role of the European Elections, the impact of the European Parliament in our daily lives, and the role of voters in shaping our future. The format of the event will be a panel discussion followed by a Q and A session with audience members, including MEP candidates. Speakers will include: Prof Gavin Barrett, Professor in UCD Sutherland School of Law and Jean Monnet Professor of European Constitutional and Economic Law, UCD; John Lee, Execuitve Editor, Daily Mail Group Ireland; Prof Gary Murphy, School of Law and Government, DCU; and, Alison O’Connor, Columnist, Sunday Times. The event takes place from 7-8 pm at Odyssey Room, The Alex Hotel, 41-47 Fenian St, Dublin, D02 H678.

Monday 27 May: Inflation in the Eurozone (IIEA event)

In recent years, Europe and much of the world have suffered the largest inflation shock in decades. Central banks have responded with large and rapid increases in interest rates. In his presentation to the IIEA, Philip Lane, Chief Economist of the European Central Bank, will discuss the inflation outlook in the Eurozone at a time when hopes of a return to price stability are rising. This online event takes place at 1pm.