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New EU toolkit provides focused support to rural areas 06 Mar 2024

To ensure that Europe’s rural areas continue to provide Europeans with food, homes, jobs and other services, the EU has developed a Rural toolkit. Thanks to this new tool, local authorities, regions, businesses, and individuals can more easily access information on the different EU funding opportunities and take advantage of EU initiatives to improve the quality of life in their territories.



Poland's efforts to restore rule of law pave the way for accessing up to €137 billion in EU funds

Today, the European Commission has adopted two legal acts that will pave the way for Poland to access up to €137 billion in EU funding. These acts relate to the rule of law reforms that Poland has adopted and the more recent and immediate steps that it has taken to address the milestones to strengthen judicial independence.


Unveiling Unique Research Hub: Sofia's New Laboratory Complex Revolutionizing Infectious Disease and Immune Response Studies

A state-of-the-art laboratory complex dedicated to research on infections and immune responses has been inaugurated in Sofia on March 5, 2024. The Competence Center for Fundamental, Translational, and Clinical Research in Infections and Infectious Immunology unveiled its renovated facilities with an official ceremony, marking a significant milestone in the field.


Inauguration of the Vinjan Viaduct: A Significant Milestone in Slovenia's Divača-Koper Second Track Project

Wednesday 28 February marked a significant milestone in Slovenia's Divača-Koper second track project, with the inauguration of the Vinjan viaduct.


What has Cohesion policy done for Germany?

As the largest EU economy, Germany has both greatly contributed and benefitted from the internal market and EU funds! In Germany, over the last two decades, EU CohesionPolicy has supported: 30,150 enterprises and 89,355 full time new jobs. (Read Commissioner Elisa Ferreira's complete thread)


What has Cohesion policy done for Denmark

Since 1994, EUR 1 730 million from CohesionPolicy support have helped companies in #Denmark become more innovative, competitive and resilient. This includes 12 750 companies supported since 2007, of which 4 300 are startups. (read Commissioner Elisa Ferreira complete X thread)



New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024: The public vote for is now open! Cast your vote for your favourite project among the 50 finalists

The public vote will remain open Until 27 March on the New European Bauhaus Prizes website where everyone can vote for their favourite project online.



EU Cohesion Policy: €125 million for the construction of the D1 Motorway in the Hubová – Ivachnová section in Slovakia

The European Commission has approved an investment of €125 million from the Cohesion Fund for the construction of a section of the D1 motorway between Hubová and Ivachnová in Slovakia.



Study on living conditions and access to selected basic needs in the EU outermost regions

DG REGIO has just published an independent study on people’s access to a selection of basic needs - housing, drinking water and sanitation, electricity, cooling and heating and internet and telephone connectivity - in the outermost regions.


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