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In this issue


Putting the EU and cohesion policy in context

‘EUR 32.4 billion in resources from the development and cohesion fund will go to Italy’s regions and autonomous provinces for the 2021-27 programming period.’ Thus reads the tagline on the screen in my waiting room at Marco Polo Venice Airport.



New European Bauhaus Academy to build skills for sustainable construction with innovative materials

The NEB Academy, a training network first announced by President von der Leyen in Finland in November 2022, will aim to give a decisive push for new skills and education across all levels of the construction sector.


The preliminary results of the European Parliament study on "Absorption Rates of Cohesion Policy Funds" are out

The study uses Cohesion OpenData and case studies to understand the trends and drivers of absorption of 2014-2020.


Innovative Implementation of the Partnership Principle in EU Cohesion Policy

The region of Normandie and Relais Culture Europe will test a deliberative process to propose collective recommendations on how to better sustain the potential of cultural spaces. The call for expression of interest remains open until 31 March 2024.



EU supports just climate transition in Bulgaria with a budget of €1.2 billion

Bulgaria will receive €1.2 billion from the Just Transition Fund (JTF), following the adoption of Bulgaria's Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs) by the European Commission.


Clean and Circle: Inaugurating a Hub for Sustainable Innovation

On December 21, 2023, Sofia witnessed a milestone in environmental sustainability with the inauguration of the Clean and Circle Centre of Competence.


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