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In this issue


Spotlight on European Broadband Awards 2023: ERDF-Funded Projects Pave the Way for Digital Connectivity

Delve into the transformative world of Europe's digital connectivity through the lens of the European Broadband Awards 2023. Discover how ERDF-funded projects are bridging the digital divide, propelling rural areas into a future of technological advancement, economic vitality, and societal inclusivity


Youth4Regions series - ep. 1: How horrific contrasts can be a lesson in journalism

On 7 October 2023, fighters of the Islamist terror group Hamas breached the border defenses separating the Gaza strip and southern Israel. There they would stay for more than a day before the Israeli security services drove them back to Gaza. In their wake, they left carnage.



The conclusions of the General Affairs Council on the future of cohesion policy

Important Council conclusions on future of Cohesion policy: -key pillar of the EU -improving well-being & levelling playing field -place-based policies -do no harm to Cohesion’ principle -challenges & development traps -simplification & modernisation


EU Solidarity Fund grants €100 million of advance payment to Slovenia following the summer floods

The Commission has approved an advance payment of €100 million to Slovenia under the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF), to ease the financial burden of reconstruction efforts after the damage caused by the devastating floods that took place in the country in August 2023.


Almost €34 million in European Solidarity Funds awarded to Romania to repair damages caused by severe drought in 2022

The Commission has approved €33.9 million from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) to support Romania in addressing the extensive damages caused by droughts and wildfires in 2022.


Almost €21 million in European Solidarity Funds awarded to the Marche region in Italy to repair damages caused by the severe flooding in 2022

Yesterday 5th of December, the Commission has approved €20.9 million from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) to support the Marche region in Italy in addressing the extensive damages caused by the rainfall and floods in September 2022.


European Commission's Smart Specialisation (S3) Forum 2023: A Resounding Success for Regional Innovation

The Smart Specialisation (S3) Forum 2023, organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy in collaboration with the Generalitat de Catalunya and the S3 Community of Practice Secretariat, concluded with resounding success on November 29, 2023.


The results of the “EUSALP Pitch Your Project” 2023

On Tuesday, November 21, 2023, in Strasbourg, the final of the "PITCH YOUR PROJECT" competition took place. An event co-organized by the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Grand Est regions as part of the European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), in the presence of Marie-Guite Dufay, President of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region.


Inauguration of Spanish rail connection ‘Variante de Pajares’ thanks to Cohesion Policy funds and other EU support

Last week saw the inauguration of the Spanish rail connection, ‘Variante de Pajares’, running from La Robla in Castilla y León to Lena in Asturias, marks the end of an important project which saw the construction of a high-speed railway line stretching across 49.7km.



Launch of the 2023 report on the quality of life in European cities

Which city in Europe has the best quality of life, according to its citizens? Which city is the cleanest or the safest, or the most inclusive? In which city is it easier to find a good job or an affordable house? Answers to these questions – and many others - will be provided at the launch event of the report which will take place in the Charlemagne Building, from 09:30 to 13:00. Register before 8 December to attend, either in person or online.


Regions and cities set out building blocks for a reformed Cohesion Policy post-2027

Local and regional leaders put forward their key requests on how to make EU's regional policy more flexible, robust and for all territories in the coming decade.


Applications now open for journalists and content creators wishing to learn more about all things Cohesion Policy

If so, you are invited to apply for the 2024 edition of the Commission’s #EUinMyRegion media trip programme. The call is open till Monday, 8 January 2024, at 17:00 CET. The programme is open to regional & local journalists and content creators in the EU and includes a two-day study trip to Brussels.



TerritoriALL 11: Thriving Regions, Stronger Together

Under the slogan “Thriving regions, stronger Europe”, the 21st edition of the EURegionsWeek hosted over 7.500 participants from all over Europe focused on the achievements of Cohesion Policy and other EU funded instruments. This issue of ESPON magazine focuses on the main takeaways of the week's sessions and their potential impact on policymaking for people and places in Europe.


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