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In this issue
Cross-border cooperation helps game companies get publishing deals

Outside, the dusk is settling, but inside the lights remain off. The big hall is lit by hundreds of PC monitors. A digital clock in the middle of the hall starts counting down. It becomes quiet, except for the clicking of keyboards and the constant background hum of computers. After a while, the eerie silence is interrupted by a man who stands up, tosses his headset onto the table and yells “Victory!”.

Commissioners Ferreira and Schmit in Poland to celebrate the adoption of 22 national and regional Cohesion Policy programmes

In her speech Commissioner Ferreira stressed the need to undertake the necessary reforms, build administrative capacity, especially at the regional and local levels, and finalise the enabling conditions.

Over 1400 applications for the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023!

From Cyprus to Estonia, from Portugal to Serbia, and many international projects across EU and Western Balkans may soon be among this year's finalists.

REPowerEU: Energy measures to be added to national recovery plans

MEPs approved including REPowerEU measures in national plans to be more independent from Russian fossil fuels, speed up the green transition and tackle energy poverty.

EUTeens4Green: young people accepted the challenge with great enthusiasm

More than 160 young people between 15 and 24 years old applied for funding to contribute to the Just Transition process.

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