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EUTeens4Green: young people accepted the challenge with great enthusiasm

  • 08 February 2023
EUTeens4Green: young people accepted the challenge with great enthusiasm

More than 160 young people between 15 and 24 years old applied for funding to contribute to the Just Transition process.

By the deadline on 9 January 2023, 197 applications were submitted to EUTeens4Green. 164 applications of these fulfilled the criteria (aged between 15 and 24 years old and residency/establishment in a Just Transition territory) and are therefore eligible for funding. Around 70 applications will be selected. At least one application, with the best score above the minimum threshold, per Member State will be selected. The award criteria are:

  • Relevance: Description of the background and objectives of the project. Identification and description of the target group or "less exposed people" to whom the action is addressed. Presentation of the ideas that will be developed to increase the participation of this target group to the green transition.
  • Organisation of the work: Explanation of how the team will manage, and monitor the organisation of the work. Explanation of how this target group will be involved in the activities. A timeline of the planned activities is recommended.
  • Impact and sustainability: Description of how the project will measure participation and results. Description of how the project is innovative, experimental, or how it can be exemplary for others. Explanation of what is foreseen to ensure sustainability of the project.

Already today, EUTeens4Green provides to the European Commission and public authorities in Member States with important information about the willingness and capacity of young people from all over Europe to participate in EU cohesion policy. Applications were submitted from 22 out of the 27 Member States (no applications were received from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Sweden).

The applications demonstrate that  young Europeans are motived to play an active role: 60 of the applicants are between 15 and 19 years old. There is also a good gender balance in the applications, with 93 applicants identified as female. Applications were submitted from youth associations (59 applications), groups of youth (51) and individuals (39).

Young people are thus ready to embark on important projects. 140 applications requested a funding between 9.000 and 10.000 euro. Most of them want to implement longer-term projects, i.e. 77 project applications have a duration of 11-12 months and 57 between 7 and 10 months.

Looking at the large number and variety of applications to EUTeens4Green, Commissioner Ferreira said “I am so glad to see young people active in our society. They are key stakeholders in today’s policymaking, but also the future of the European Union. They are the present and the future of the EU cohesion policy we want in all territories and communities. Their energy and ideas are a source of inspiration for all of us”.


EUTeens4Green is one of REGIO flagship projects of the European Year of Youth. It offers the opportunity to young people to participate to decision making in EU cohesion policy. It focuses on the regions that will be most impacted by the transition to climate neutrality, because they are heavily dependent on fossil fuels or on carbon-intensive industries. Youth can help identify people that are at risk of exclusion as a result of the transition, to propose actions for involvement of these people in their territory and to choose topics close to them.

It addresses young people between 15 and 24 years old. They can apply as individual, group of individual or association.

The budget of the call is 700.000 euro and the maximum contribution per project is 10.000 euro. Maximum duration of project is 12 months.

The call is managed by a consortium composed of Startup Europe Regions Network (SERN), Youth and Environment Europe (YEE), and CEE Bankwatch Europe with the support of Generation Climate Europe.

Decision on selected projects will be announced early March 2023.