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Invitation to submit your annual education declaration in SYSPER

It's time to submit your annual education declarations for your dependent child(ren) for the school/academic year 2024/2025. Please note the procedures and deadlines to ensure the PMO can process your files and payments smoothly and on time.

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date:  02/07/2024

We invite you to explore ourinteractive education allowances toolthat has been created to guide you through the financial benefits you can receiveat each stage of your child's education and studies. Please review it if you haven't done it already. 

This year four training sessions for primary/secondary and university studies will be organised in September to present the rules, how to submit the declaration and to answer to your questions. You will find more information and the link to enrol in the last paragraph (at the end of this communication). 

You are concerned if: 

  • Your child is attending one of the European schoolsand isusing the transportation serviceorganised by the school’s Parents' Association  

  • Yourchild is attending afee-payingprimary or secondary school

  • Yourchild is attending anon-fee paying/secondary school and must payboarding costs or use public or private transportation

  • Your child is aged 18 to 26 (or will turn 18 during the next school year)

  • Your child will not continue their education or studies in 2024/2025 

  • Your child is doing a (paid) traineeship or any (paid) work as part of, or in addition to, their studies

  • You child is studying in a country other than your place of employment

If your child has moved to a different school or university, or changed the level of study, you should introduce your declaration in SYSPER using the option “New education declaration. Do not use the option “New education declaration on the basis of the previous one”. 

We remind you that all declarations must be “signed and submitted” to be processed. 

Deadlines to consider:

How to make your declarations for: 

Primary/secondary education (Primary/Secondary ( 

  • European School: You need to submit an education declaration via SYSPER, if your child is attending one of the European schools (primary or secondary level) and is using the transportation service organised by the school’s Parents' Association.
    Where applicable (Brussels, Luxembourg, Karlsruhe), the PMO will pay the transportation costs directly to the Parents' Association based on the education allowance. This direct payment can only be made after you have declared the transportation in your education declaration in SYSPER. You must select “European School Bus in Brussels, Luxembourg, Karlsruhe” in your declaration. 
    N.B.: For all other European Schools, you will be invoiced directly by the transport provider. You must select in SYSPER “European School Bus other than Brussels, Luxembourg, Karlsruhe” and attach the needed supporting documents. 

  • Fee-paying school: You need to submit an education declaration via SYSPER, if your child is attending a fee-paying primary/secondary school.
    The school fees, as well as transportation costs, can be reimbursed through the education allowance up to the maximum amount applicable based on your education declaration in SYSPER. 

  • Non-fee-paying school: You need to submit a declaration via SYSPER, if your child is attending a non-fee-paying school with public or private transportation costs.
    These costs can be reimbursed through the education allowance up to the maximum amount applicable. 

  • Boarding school: If your child is attending a boarding school, you will receive a flat-rate amount based on your education declaration in SYSPER. 

The education allowance based on declared costs (ISF code for boarding school and ISN code for all the others) is paid over 12 months and will generally cease on 31 August each year. 

University and/or Higher education (University and/or Higher education ( 

  • Traineeship/apprentice: Your child is doing a (paid) traineeship or any (paid) work as part of, or in addition to, their studies. 
    A traineeship or any form of paid work (including any part-time job unrelated to studies) can affect the entitlement to allowances, particularly when the child receives payment. It is important to declare all traineeships, internships, grants, or work via SYSPER to avoid overpayment of financial entitlements, which would then have to be recovered. 

  • Erasmus exchange: You need to submit two declarations in SYSPER if your child will be on Erasmus exchange. One declaration for the University of origin (to cover the full academic year) and another for the host establishment, selecting “Erasmus” in the menu (only for the Erasmus exchange period) 

  • Education allowance transfer: If your child is attending higher education in an EU country other than your place of employment in the 2024/2025 academic year, you have the option to request the transfer of the education allowance to their bank account (see here the details: Salary transfer ( Transfer requests for the current academic year (2023/2024) will expire on 31 October 2024.

  • Transfer requests do not automatically carry forward to the next academic year. To ensure timely processing and inclusion in your November salary, it is crucial to submit the education declaration as soon as possible and no later than15 October 2024. Please note that a transfer would only be beneficial if the weighting factor for the country where your child is studying is higher than that of your place of employment (please verify here Salary correction coefficients ( under the column “transfer”). If the weighting is not higher, there is no need to request this transfer as it would not be advantageous. 

    • the education allowance for high-level education (ISF code) corresponds to a flat-rate amount and its payment will generally cease on 31 December of each year to guarantee continuity of payments till that date (even if your 2024/25 declaration is not treated before)

    • if your child receives an income from part-time work, or has been awarded a scholarship, you must notify the administration, as this may be deducted from the total allowance. 

AideFi grants – for colleagues based in Luxembourg  

  • Officials/staff with dependent children in higher education - National grants andAideFi.
    If your child is in higher education or will start in 2024/2025, please remind them to first apply for financial aid provided by their country of residence, and then by AideFi as soon as the 2024/2025 form becomes available (generally from31 August). For those whose children were already in higher education in 2023/2024: please complete your 2024/2025 declaration by adding the AideFi (former CEDIES) Summer Semester second instalment certificate if you have not done so already. 

  • Officials/staff whose children reside in Luxembourg and who are following vocational training outside Luxembourg - AideFi grants.
    If your children normally reside in Luxembourg and are pursuing vocational training abroad, they can receive financial aid for secondary-level vocational training provided they have been authorised by theMinistry of National Education, Children and Youth(article 2, point 4, of the amended Law of 24 July 2014). Authorisation from the Department of Vocational Training must be requested in writing. 

Interruption of studies  

It is advisable to declare interruption of education and studies as soon as possible to avoid overpayments. 

We remind you that the end / interruption of studies has an impact on eligibility: 

  • To the Family benefits on behalf of your child (the dependent child allowance, the education allowance, the tax abatement, the annual travel costs, and the JSIS coverage). Any unduly paid sum will have to be recovered with retroactive effect.

  • To the JSIS coverage which is linked to the entitlement to dependent child allowance, but can be extended for a maximum period of 12 months following the end of the dependent child allowance (if your child is not in gainful employment or if there is a waiting period to be registered to the national scheme). Please contact the JSIS membership rights team for further information about the possibility to extend coverage under article 72, paragraph 1(b) of the Staff Regulations, if your child is no longer considered your dependent in the sense of the Staff Regulations. 

  • To the household allowance granted on behalf of your child. The household allowance will be cut if you don’t have another dependent child. However, if your spouse's annual taxable income does not exceed the ceiling provided for in Article 1 (3) of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations, your entitlement to the household allowance may be maintained.

Resuming Studies 

If your child is resuming studies this year, you need to submit a new declaration of “restarting studies after an interruption”. Do not forget to also submit a declaration of other received allowances if you are receiving national allowances or grants. 

FAQs and other information that might help you. 

This year PMO will organise in September, four dedicated sessions on how to submit education declarations and to answer your questions. Register here: 

You can find detailed information on how to submit your education declaration onMyIntraComm, in the FAQs, the education allowances tool and in thepractical guideon education declarations. 

Additionally, PMO colleagues always stand ready to provide help and advice viaStaff Contact. 

With my best wishes for a successful new school year, 

Przemyslaw SLOWIK,
Head of Unit PMO.1 
Rights and Salaries