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What’s new in JSIS Online / PMO Mobile?

Available now: corrections to JSIS reimbursement requests and new features in PMO Mobile. Find more information and guidance tailored to pensioners' needs - courtesy of the IT Help Desk AIACE International.

date:  19/12/2023

Sometimes, just as we have sent off a request for the reimbursement of some medical bills, we realise that we forgot to attach a document, introduced a wrong date or amount or some other little mistake. Until now, we have then either risked having our reimbursement refused or we have been obliged to contact PMO, which has caused unnecessary work for both US AND PMO. 
PMO has now created a solution to this problem in both JSIS online (access via and PMOMobile (  which enables you to correct any mistakes in your request – until midnight the same day (Brussels time).

You will in fact be alerted to this new possibility already in the message you receive when you
are ready to submit your request for reimbursement:



Furthermore, PMO Mobile has been expanded to give you two new options: You are now also
able to request:

• prior autorisation for a medical or dental treatment
• reimbursement of expenses linked to the statutory health screening, if you chose not to have it done at an “Approved Centre” (i.e. at a clinic which has not signed a specific agreement with the Commission).

Remember that PMO Mobile can in fact be used not just on a mobile device (smartphone, tablet/iPad), but also on a PC, and it will gradually be expanded further with new options. You
can access it in multiple ways: 

- or
- through MyRemote :, click on ‘RCAM/JSIS’ and click on “Connect” in the dark blue area at the top – or
- just scan this QR code :
