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Improving the Processes Behind the Payroll Engine

Find out about a recent development that is improving the efficiency of our payroll management.

date:  29/06/2023

The team managing the payroll engine of the Commission, the Nouvelle Application de Paie (NAP), is determined to look for improvements wherever possible. The NAP is a powerful IT tool managing a large set of business rules using the data of thousands of EU staff, pensioners and beneficiaries from the EU Institutions, Bodies and Agencies (EUIBAs). Any opportunities to ensure its smooth running are taken whenever possible.

One of these recent improvements relates to the effort to better manage the ‘cloisonnement’ or separation of the data in the system in light of the evolution of PMO1's duties. Previously, a PMO file handler would have to go through a long list of files individually related to each institution, in order to manage the pay. For example, the procedure would be to handle all the files in the pay centre of the Commission, then to switch to the pay centre of the Council and complete the same exercise, and so on for all EUIBAs. The screens visible to the PMO file handler and that of the Council would be different, therefore causing some complexities in managing the files.

Now, a system has been put in place to better manage this separation, allowing our colleagues to work in a decompartmentalised way, so that the files can be managed more efficiently, while keeping the confidentiality between data from the different EUIBAs. There is no longer the need to switch between different pay centres, the data is readily available in one place. What’s also great is that this model can be proposed to other institutions for which PMO is not handling the pay, who are managing several pay centres. Likewise, any new EUIBA who would be onboarded to have their pay managed by PMO can be added to the list under a minute, thanks to this functionality.