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The Systems Behind The Management Of Individual Rights

Discover some of the recent achievements of SYSPER & PABS.

date:  22/11/2022

The management of individual entitlements and allowances for the active and post-active populations of the European Institutions is a complex task for which the colleagues of the PMO manage in a professional and efficient manner in SYSPER.


SYSPER Rights for active staff

For those who might not still be aware, staff members can consult an overview, updated in real-time, of their individual rights. It's no longer necessary to wait until your next payslip to see what you're going to receive!

SYSPER > MENU > My File > Rights & Privileges > My Individual rights (Annex VII)

September marked the one-year anniversary of a new declaration in order to be able to ask for a rectification or a revision of a place of origin. Almost 1000 declarations have been processed already significantly reducing paper-based requests.

Other significant operations have been implemented or continue to facilitate the work of the teams:

  • New Entry into Service declaration for file handlers allowing for automatic decision letters, representing 6,000 declarations per year.
  • Three automatic indexations of the family allowances received from elsewhere (PPA) in Luxembourg and one in France.
  • Improved automatic notifications for HR professionals in agencies.
  • New decision letters for the Professional Activity of the Spouse declaration plus automatic injection into NDP.
  • Improved functionalities on the declarations dashboard.
  • Update of the transport costs ceilings for the fast-track schooling declarations representing more than 6,000 declarations per year.
  • Improved controls for the family allowances received from elsewhere (PPA).
  • Non-stop automatic travel costs calculation engine and yearly mass payment exercise, representing 35,000 payments. 
  • Automatic travel cost activation and calculation for newly migrated agencies to SYSPER.
  • Financial documents adaptation and links to FiLIP.

Coming soon ….

- New declarations for the PPA and installation allowance.

- Automatic injection of supporting documents into NDP.


SYSPER Rights for post-activity

Retired staff can log in to SYSPER to declare changes to their personal situation, which are then managed by the PMO file handlers. A campaign was launched at the end of August for pensioners to make the necessary declaration in SYSPER PA for the school allowance of their dependent children for the new school year. Process improvement is also a key factor – recently a dashboard to monitor ongoing scanning operations was set up, which is available to those with a ‘scanning officer’ role.


The Post Activity Beneficiaries Suite (PABS)

This is the tool responsible for the determination and calculation of the pecuniary rights related to the post active domain such as old age pension, invalidity allowance and the rights related to the end of career for staff and former staff of the EU Institutions and Agencies, among others.

In recent months, the calculations related to the Brexit invoice have been successfully completed. An elaborate task, this took much precise work to ensure that the correct figures were in place to produce the first Brexit invoice. This task saw great collaboration between the PMO units and teams. In addition, many improvements have been made to the Pension, Transfer In, Transfer Out and Unemployment modules in PABS.

For all PABS releases, have a look at the page here should you like to have further details.