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The First Edition Is Here!

Welcome to the PMO IT Corner! This piece of news will be shared with you every three months to provide you with all the latest updates on the PMO’s IT portfolio.

date:  22/11/2022

Have you ever wondered what is involved in maintaining the PMO’s IT systems, what ‘business quality’ refers to, and how you can best equip your accounts with effective cybersecurity methods? The PMO IT Corner is the best place to find out about all of these topics and more.

Post reorganisation, lots of new initiatives and activities have been launched in PMO.6. The unit as a whole is striving to uphold strong communication and collaboration with the rest of the PMO teams. One such initiative is this quarterly publication. Another has been the implementation of regular Change Advisory Board (ChAB) meetings. Each business domain has its own ChAB which serve as a forum for the business to express their needs for IT developments and to prioritise on how the changes should take place. The teams have also been brainstorming to explore different ways of improving the use of Sharepoint Online, M365 and MS Teams throughout the PMO.

If you have any questions that come to mind whilst navigating through each article, feel free to always direct them to PMO.6 at

Happy reading 😊!