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9 days left to vote for the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024!


date:  11/03/2024

The New European Bauhaus Prizes exemplify beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive real-life projects and encourage the younger generation to develop new concepts and ideas.

The 2024 edition will select 20 winners across 4 categories from 50 projects and concepts shortlisted as finalists from all 27 EU Member States, 6 Western Balkans countries and Ukraine. 18 winners and runners-up have already been selected by our High-Level Jury.

Your votes will now play a crucial role in determining the two public vote winners of the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024 edition. Cast your vote before 27 March 2024!

Please also consider spreading the word about the public vote or promoting your favourite projects. Find the social media toolkit with ready-to-use visuals, editable visuals and social media captions here. If you have any problems with accessing the toolkit, please contact Borut Cink.