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News from the NEB Brussels Local Chapter


date:  11/12/2023

First of all a reminder: this Wednesday the Chapter becomes a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). If you are interested in learning more about DAO's and their use for community-based projects, join the free online work session this Wednesday from 12:00 to 14:00 (CET).

The Beautiful, Together project had two new work sessions, one on 20 November and the second one today, on 11 December. 

On 20 November the team met at SLRB's premises with members of different departments of the SLRB's team, Housing Europe, Creative District and Livepods. Livepods gave a presentation on how to collect citizen experiences related to works of art in public spaces to inspire the design of new public spaces and for learning and monitoring purposes.

The outcomes:
✅ Project team will organize a half-day meeting in January with selected social housing companies (SISPs) who could be interested to introduce the methodology as part of their engagement activity for SLRB's ‘collective 101%’ programme.  Team hopes to have one or two demo cases to work with.
✅ Brussels Chapter works on a proposal for a satellite event during the NEB Festival.
✅  The Chapter deepens the use of sensemaking methods in a new working session with Creative District for one of their projects. This is the second session we held today [11 December], more information available on the Chapter's website.

For continuous updates and to join the Chapter, please visit