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Reminder: Help shape the NEB Academy!


date:  02/10/2023

You know already that the NEB launched the NEB Academy on skills for sustainable construction as one flagship initiative of the European Year of Skills to accelerate up-skilling and re-skilling in the construction ecosystem

The Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) Call to Support the NEB Academy closes this week, on 4 October at 17:00 Brussels Time. We are calling on consortia of education and training providers with expertise in sustainable construction to support the establishment of the NEB Academy network, for example in designing its structure and rules of procedures, setting up its online collaborative space, and mapping synergies with relevant networks and initiatives. The selected project will receive up to EUR 1 million.

You can apply here to the CBE JU NEB Academy Call; additional information is available in the CBE JU FAQ for Applicants, as well as on the NEB Academy page of the NEB website.