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First reflections on building blocks for the design on a possible EU Mission on the New European Bauhaus


date:  25/09/2023

We are sharing with you a working paper that compiles the initial reflections on building blocks for the design of a potential EU Mission on the NEB. The purpose of this paper is to encourage discussions with the NEB Community, Member States, and other stakeholders about the potential elements that should be taken into consideration when designing a possible Mission.

The paper highlights the challenges that a potential EU Mission on NEB would address, along with the general and specific objectives and intervention logic, which is the content that we would like to consult with you on in the upcoming weeks. We will officially launch the consultations in the first half of October. 

Your feedback, reflections, and proposals will play a vital role in shaping up a proposal for a possible Mission that will be submitted to the Member States for a final decision. Don't hesitate to reach out to Borut or Miroslava if you have any questions regarding the working paper