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Social innovation: a driver for integrated building renovation across Europe


date:  19/06/2023

Date & time: 21 June 2023, 14:30 - 16:00 (CET)
Platform: European Sustainable Energy Week platform
Registration: Register here

The policy session organised by the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) will focus on social innovation as a key component in integrated building renovation of social and affordable housing. Such an approach entails assessing the needs of residents while promoting community engagement throughout the renovation project. 

In the framework of the Affordable Housing Initiative*, the session will look at innovative methodologies and partnerships aiming to onboard relevant local stakeholders in renovation projects at the district level. The session will showcase alternative solutions to drive behavioral changes and will explore how co-creation mechanisms can deploy inclusive and sustainable neighborhoods.

*The Affordable Housing Initiative is one of the New European Bauhaus flagships that works to make sure social and affordable housing facilities also benefit from the renovation wave. It will guarantee local social and affordable housing projects’ access to necessary technical and innovation capacity and project.