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Public consultation on the EU climate target for 2040


date:  08/05/2023

A month ago European Commission launched a public consultation to gather people’s views on the EU’s intermediary climate target for 2040, setting a path from our already-agreed 2030 targets to net-zero emissions by 2050.

This public consultation focuses on the overall level of ambition for 2040 and looks at the possible evolution and role of EU climate policy instruments in order to prepare the ground for future analysis of the policies the EU must implement after 2030. The replies to this questionnaire will contribute to the impact assessment and shape the upcoming initiative

Questionnaire is split into two sections: a general section and an expert section. You can answer one or both, and you can also choose to skip questions. The general section takes around 25 minutes to answer. You can also submit position papers. 

The deadline to contribute to the consultation is 24 June 2023