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Schindler’s List at 30 - Making a Museum of Survivors


date:  27/03/2023

Date: 25 June 2023

Venue: Schindler's Ark (Brnenec, Czech Republic)

Organiser: The Arks Foundation

Registrations and contact:

The Arks Foundation invites you to an event that will launch a two-year process to “Make a Museum” with schools from five countries at the location of the Schindler’s Ark. Saving Schindler's Ark transforms a key place of European heritage where 1200 people on Schindler's List were saved into a Museum of Survivors.

The renovation and repurposing of the buildings follow the spirit of the Bauhaus and see the renewed use of textiles in sustainable architecture to modulate sound, heat, light and touch, of art and testimony in teaching.

The event in June will feature a screening of the movie Schindler’s List in the place where the events, a tour of the place and a kick-off of the “Make a Museum” design process. Find more information about it here.