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4th Public Participation and Deliberative Democracy Festival

The Festival that will take place on 20 and 21 October 2022 on three locations (Brussels, Ispra, online) is an open event that brings together people of diverse backgrounds who are interested in, and work on, engagement of citizens in science, policymaking and deliberative democracy, in Europe and beyond.

date:  03/10/2022

The programme each year features a variety of events including conversations, interactive sessions, artwork and an exhibition of participatory and deliberative democracy projects. The Festival is also the main networking event of the Community of Practice of the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy.

Democracies around the world face many challenges (e.g. rise in extremism, political polarisation, online disinformation and politically manipulated information, and growing distance between citizens and elected representatives to name a few). Despite this – or perhaps precisely as a response - initiatives and practices that rejuvenate and strengthen democracy by involving citizens more directly in the policymaking process are flourishing.

In Europe alone we’ve seen abortion reform in Ireland thanks to Citizens’ Assemblies, while there is now a standing citizens’ assembly in Paris and a permanent citizens’ council in Ostbelgien, Belgium. In the last 12 months, we have seen Europe’s largest ever deliberative event, the Conference on the Future of Europe.

What these initiatives all have in common is that they allow citizens’ voices to be heard beyond election time, providing people with an opportunity to more directly shape policy. Such processes of citizen participation in policymaking are increasingly being recognised as crucial to delivering better policies, strengthening democracy and building trust in institutions. The Festival is a way to reflect on and nourish these new forms of citizens’ involvement in decision-making processes

The Festival's programme will take place on-site and online. Some activities will be joint ones and some will be exclusive for the context in which they will take place. There are interesting activities available no matter how you plan to participate. The detailed agenda is published here.

A registration is required if you would like to participate in the Festival's sessions (on-site or online). You do not need to register if you only choose to follow the event via livestream.