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Invitation to the NEB Lab pitching session on 24 June 2022 (11h-13h CET)

Dear community member,

date:  20/06/2022

See alsoConnection information (via calendar inv...

ContactBorut Cink

The pitching session is designed to facilitate development of community-led projects that have the ambition to enter the New European Bauhaus Lab. The Lab is an online platform that supports the co-creation, prototyping, and testing of tools, solutions, and policy actions that will facilitate transformation on the ground.

The key outputs of the NEB Lab projects are intended as change processes that benefit communities and ecosystems. Teams of NEB community members design and develop projects that aim to (1) Create or replicate beautiful, sustainable, inclusive places or experiences; (2) Build the conditions to enable beautiful, sustainable, inclusive places and experiences by experimenting with innovative funding or improving a regulatory framework.

NEB Lab pitching session hosts up to 5 presentations of project ideas or proposals submitted by NEB official partners. Besides presenting project ideas and proposals, the objective of the session is also to give an opportunity to project initiators to get feedback and collect interest for collaboration from the NEB community.

We will share a list of pitches with you on Wednesday afternoon (community members can still submit project proposals or ideas by 21 June).

We are looking forward to meeting many of you on Friday!

Connection information

Meeting link:

Join by meeting number 

  • Meeting number (access code): 274 093 22137
  • Meeting password: cfFtYBk9@84 (23389259 from phones)