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Co-create trans-European Modernism by joining ETOM-NEB-Lab project


date:  11/12/2023

The ETOM-NEB-Lab, which was introduced to the NEB Community in November, is a collaborative laboratory that is focused on trans-European Modernism. The goal of the lab is to create and develop transnational cooperation, establish best practices and capacity-building initiatives, and establish a decentralized and recurring EUROPEAN TRIENNIAL OF MODERNISM festival.

Both, NEB Community partners and external entities, are welcome to apply for an advisory board role or to become a project partner. By becoming a project partner, an entity can:

✅ attend official Lab meetings
✅ contribute to national and transnational research platforms
✅ participate in the General Assembly

To learn more about the project, you can watch the recording of the project pitch or check project's presentation on the NEB platform. For any inquires about the project, please contact Rober K. Huber or Eszter Davida