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Help us spread the word about the New European Bauhaus Prizes and Festival


date:  30/10/2023

The New European Bauhaus Prizes and the Festival are set to celebrate ground-breaking projects, designs, and ideas that embody the spirit of the New European Bauhaus – a movement dedicated to shaping a beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive future for Europe.

Your voice matters, and by spreading the word about the upcoming editions of the NEB Prizes and Festival, you can play a crucial role in promoting innovative, sustainable, and artistic initiatives across Europe. Please share the news about the New European Bauhaus Prizes and Festival with your network, friends, and colleagues!

Here's what you can do:  
➡ Use our ready-made social media assets to post about the New European Bauhaus Prizes and Festival. Spread the word by using the hashtag #NewEuropeanBauhaus to connect with the community.
Stay updated! Follow our official channels for the latest news, updates, and announcements about the Festival and Prizes. 

Join us in spreading the word, and let's make the next New European Bauhaus Prizes and Festival a remarkable success together!