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People first: how do we make Europe’s shift to sustainability inclusive?


date:  09/10/2023

What is the role of citizens in Europe’s shift to a sustainable future and how do we make it inclusive?

Transitioning into sustainability will be challenging and calls for creativity and the full involvement of all sectors of society, including citizens, to make it a success, according to a European Environment Agency briefing published last week.  

Public participation in environmental decision-making is a legal right in Europe. This principle was established two decades ago by the Aarhus Convention. Since then, it has been increasingly recognised that participation is not only a matter of justice and democracy but also a practical necessity for transitioning into sustainability.

The briefing presents key insights from sustainability studies and emerging practices of public participation and explains why a thoughtful approach to participation is needed for sustainability transitions. Such insights can help European policy and decision makers to better assess the role of public participation in governance processes that, until now, have focused more on scientific, technical and administrative aspects.