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Invitation Paper: A New European Bauhaus Economy, Designing Our Futures


date:  17/07/2023

The New Bauhaus movement will need to fundamentally transform our world, establishing new relationships between tangible assets, intangible assets, craft, automation and civic engagement economies. The transformation we face requires a New European Bauhaus economy.

A NEB Economy explores what is emerging at the intersection of the material and immaterial, highlighting how these new value flows can support the shift towards a regenerative future for our built environment.

The first working version of the paper was developed by Dark Matter Labs, one of the Desire - Designing the irresistible circular society lighthouse demonstrator project partners. It draws upon Desire's preliminary research and interaction with relevant European actors. 

The paper will be further developed over the course of the next twelve months with a series of in-person and online engagements. A final version of the paper will be launched at the New European Bauhaus Festival in Brussels in April 2024.