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Contribute to the second phase of the NEB Local Chapters co-design process


date:  05/04/2023

Dear NEB community member, 

We are happy to share with you the NEB Local Chapters concept note. The concept is a result of a co-design process we initiated with the NEB Community in the closing months of 2022. 

It started from a simple definition: A NEB Local Chapter is a self-organised, place-based group of NEB community members that contribute to the delivery of the New European Bauhaus initiative by putting its values and principles into practice in their locality. 

We invited community members to build on the definition by contributing to Local Chapters' SWOT analysis and tell us what the Local Chapters should do and what kind of support would they need. The process started with an online session and continued throughout December and January with collecting individual inputs. 

The concept note translates these inputs into: 

✔️ Key principles guiding the operation of NEB Local Chapters;
✔️ Role of NEB Local Chapters;
✔️ Support for NEB Local Chapters.

But the co-design process is not over. We invite you to tell us what you think about the Local Chapters concept note. You can do so by: 

  • Commenting and editing (turn on Track changes) the concept note document;
  • Sending us a message summarizing your feedback and proposal.

Please share your feedback (in any form) with us by sending it to Borut Cink by 21 April 2023.

We are looking forward to your messages!

Best wishes,

NEB team