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Do you want to join or suppor two new project proposals for the NEB Lab?


date:  28/11/2022

Did you miss the last NEB Lab pitching sessions? No worries, we got you covered.

Two project proposals were pitched on Friday and are looking for collaboration and support among the members of the NEB community. They are:

iiDé (écosystème des initiatives locales inclusives et durables)

iiDé aims to serve as an incubator for local, inclusive and sustainable initiatives. Its purpose is to develop actions and projects focused on innovation and create a strong network of actors who contribute to societal development. Creative District (project's initiator) is looking for partners to develop the project's international dimension, are willing to contribute knowledge and good practices, willing to replicate the project and build a strong network between international hubs. Watch the recording of the pitch and find more details about the project proposal on the community platform.

NEB Youth Movement

The project proposed by Institute for Erasmus Peace Solutions, e-Medine and Rethinking Economics Cluster has the ambition to bring together grass root youth movements, youth groups organized within NEB community members and young people in general that will offer support and advice to the NEB community. Project initiators are looking for members of the NEB community interested in joining the project partnership. Watch the recording of the pitch and find more details about the project proposal on the community platform