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European Urban Initatitive (EUI) Call for Proposals in support to the New European Bauhaus projects

EUI has officially launched its first Innovative Actions Call with a budget of EUR 50 million in support of New European Bauhaus projects to deliver tangible, real-life examples of New European Bauhaus (NEB) interventions! The Call is open until 19th January 2023 at 14:00 CET. Eligible authorities are invited to submit innovative ideas and join the path to sustainable urban development.

date:  17/10/2022

The Call is not prescriptive with regard to the nature of expected proposals. However, cities are invited to consider the four following themes which have the greatest potential to generate innovative solutions and create a clear demonstration effect to inspire the use of Cohesion policy in urban areas:

  • Construction and renovation in a spirit of circularity and carbon neutrality
  • Preserving and transforming cultural heritage
  • Adapting and transforming buildings for affordable housing solutions
  • Regenerating urban spaces

Each project can receive up to EUR 5 million ERDF funds. Find the application pack and application form here (bottom of the website).

Support for applicants

The EUI Permanent Secretariat will assist applicants during the Call for Proposals. This support will be provided via:

Learn more about context and rationale behind establishing EUI – Innovative Actions,  rules and procedures related to project generation and development, the application and selection, the Initiation Phase and contracting, the transfer component, project implementation, eligibility of expenditure, and project communication and capitalisation. Dedicated FAQ section provides further and complementary information.

Applicant Seminars are taking place in four different locations in Europe: Brussels, Vienna, Sofia and Vilnius. Join the EUI Secretariat in one of these cities to learn about our first call, have individual consultations and network with cities all over Europe!

Three Q&A sessions will take place online. Each session will last 120 minutes and will have a thematic focus. Online seminars will take place in October, November and December. All online sessions will be recorded and available on the EUI website.

  • One-to-one Consultations

The Permanent Secretariat have made available a limited number of appointments for online one-to-one consultations. The aim of these consultations is to provide further clarity and support to applicants on how to apply for funding, how to define the work plan, budget, deliverables/outputs, and transfer component and how to manage an EUI project. Please note that feedback on the feasibility and strategic nature of the project proposal cannot be provided. Bookings for consultations are on a first come, first serve basis. Registration for the one-to-one consultations opens on 2nd November 2022.

Easy-to-use “self-assessment tool” reflects the key requirements to have in mind before submitting a project proposal to EUI - Innovative Actions. By answering 15 questions you will have a chance to get helpful tips and be pointed out to the relevant chapters of the EUI-IA Guidance which you should consult in order to mature and improve your project proposal to a successful application.