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"NEB Rural" project looking for partners

Cia Maximalista (NEB Partner) is currently working on repopulating villages in Southern Spain that contain around 5000 inhabitants. They are looking for partners from the NEB Community that would work with them in bringing NEB spirit into repopulation projects in Spain.

date:  10/10/2022

The villages in in questions have high connectivity: usually fibre in the town centre and 5G in the fields. But connectivity is just the first step. Cia Maximalista now needs to attract digital workers, professionals and entrepreneurs who want to live a more sustainable but no less connected life.

To achieve that they want to introduce the NEB spirit as a main vector: That is, to organize activities and create spaces that involve projects, people and ideas from the global NEB community. Their dream is that these activities will have an impact and be integrated into the life of the village, and that professionals and collectives will create spaces of socialization in it.

Dear NEB community members,

You all develop powerful and enriching activities and you all generate knowledge that can make a difference. How about we organize together thematic NEB meetings in these villages? We have thought about residency programs and encounters for which we could find some funding. But our passion lies in co-design. Let us co-design together!

If you are interested in collaboration with Cia Maximalista reply to Natalia Fernandez's post on the NEB community platform.