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Creative Europe 2023 work programme adopted

European Commission adopted a 2023 work programme for Creative Europe. The programme will continue to contribute to the implementation of the New European Bauhaus initiative through its CULTURE and CROSS SECTORAL strands.

date:  05/09/2022

Specifically, the programme plans to contribute to the New European Bauhaus will be in the following fields/actions:

Mobility of artists and their works

As a follow-up to the IPortunus scheme, the new mobility instrument, Culture Moves Europe, will also stimulate artistic residencies linked to the New European Bauhaus.

European Capitals of Culture (ECOC)

European Capitals of Culture form a resourceful laboratory for policy reflection and experimentation on culture and Europe at a city level, promoting sustainability, participatory approaches and cross-sectoral linkages, in line with the principles of the New European Bauhaus initiative.

Creative Innovation Lab

The Lab will bring together stakeholders from audiovisual, cultural and creative industries and the technology sphere, to collaborate and undertake projects to deploy innovative digital solutions to respond to the common challenges and opportunities of the digital transition across the cultural and creative sectors. One of the focuses for projects is greening and circular economy thinking, including innovation for sustainability, inclusion and well-being in line with the priorities of the new European Bauhaus.

European Cooperation projects

This action will support projects involving a large diversity of players active in different cultural and creative sectors, to carry out a broad spectrum of activities and initiatives. The action is anchored in the policy framework of the Culture strand of the Creative Europe Programme and its cross-cutting issues (inclusiveness, reduction of environmental impact and gender equality). Furthermore, the appropriate calls will include topics and thematic priorities relevant to the New European Bauhaus.

Source: Commission implementing decision C(2022) 6138 final (31.8.2022)

Follow the Creative Europe website for news, publication of calls and other activities related to the implementation of the programme.